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Kryon Sun Valley Idaho 2015 january

Добавлено: 22 янв 2015 20:00
Kryon Sun Valley Idaho 2015 january 11 The One Truth

Kryon Sun Valley Idaho 2015 january 10 - "2015"

Kryon Sun Valley Idaho 2015 january 10 mini

Re: Kryon Sun Valley Idaho 2015 january

Добавлено: 24 янв 2015 20:05
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Kryon Sun Valley Idaho 2015 january 11 The One Truth
11 января Одна истина
Greetings, dear ones, I'm Kryon of magnetic service.
I speak again yet
to my partner at the end
of the day of intensive information gathered
before me of those who have been
through the processes, the learning/
Скрытый текст:
and in
those processes in in those learning times have been
ideas and concepts presented with your new/
often they're new because they are flying face of
what has been, attend to rewrite
what you learn. that in itself
should tell you that we are dealing with new energy.
and I say we because I am here,
difference between
you and I in some ways
is great and some ways is not.
For the seed that is in meet that you would call God
is in you. I have never been
human, always standing on the outside
as an adviser of you, which is what I wish to do, there is benevolence
in all things if you look for,
I'll say this again- you the worker.
information has been about how to find that
which is the bridge to the eternal soul.
in the human body we have told you that the bridge
exists in many ways but the one that the greatest
is that elusive one called innate.
and we've given you some other ways that
is ust beginning to get
to it,and their the practical ones you might even call it each spiritual
it's the beginning has to do with helds
well-being using,all
of these things are the beginning of human race
which is gonna change, very slowly
but it will change ,
there is a relation, elation, the celebration on my side avail,
it's there because of what we see we have seen
before ,there is a pattern here, not to become
to strange jeress of terror
but dear ones, you are returnal
and you don't even know how you returnal you are
you're ageless ,you existed before you existed,
you're in a circle,
that is never broken, you were here before the universe,
you were here before the first universe before this universe,
that is how old, yet in a circle there
is no linearity that is how all
at some level listen,
at some level what is inside you at the cellular level which you call
akashic rememberence goes beyond this
planet at some level, some of you are starting to awaken to akashic
wisdom , you not afraid of death
some of you realize that death is an opportunity for youth,
and you like, that's wisdom
some of you are beginning to remember what is happening
on the planet, that is wisdom
you're not afraid of this
you realizing you be experienced it before
here we go again pray spirit
for this, that is the wisdom we had
there've been there
added those who have noticed that this is an 11-day
it is the 11th
of the mount,one
11 2015 added together is
and 11 and when you see that
you cannot help but say look 11 11
and that should mean something to you awake from spirited
it said all is well . really is
better than you think no matter what news you get
blessed is the light worker who plows forward in a difficult
time with joy expectation it today
and peace , you don't let the things around you
which are real, then temper the
spiritual reality these grander and greater
the map which is on the news, 11
in any numerology means enlightenment
it is the light, the first
master number that exists
the master numbers
and their definitions if you have not noticed
respond to the evolution
of humanity and what are you told
is the first thing that happened let there be light
illumination what is the second thing to creation story
that which easy duality, thats the 22
the third 33 that
of the compassion it begins moving toward 44
which has not yet been defined
illumination, dear ones,
it's a day to celebrate the light, we told you yesterday something we will
now complete, we told you that spirit does not measure
time like you do ,is not calendar based it is not clock based it is
energy-based . and it is
often then guided by the cosmos, the energy around you
the consciousness around you, the stars
the solar system , things that influence
you, your DNA your consciousness, all
is parted our clock, now,
what is going to happen in the future?
based upon our clock.
you may have noticed today 2013 seem to Salop into 2014
in the recalibration Department, at the end of 2013
all did not then get well, it continued for some
it healed for others and others didn't feel it at all
that in the middle of last , when
timewise is the recalibration
going to end, it's a good question
and so we're going to give you this answer there is no
and to the word recalibration sense
all of you are unique , want you to understand this.
let us say a younger soul
in a few years starts to learn
what you know at the energy becomes aware to them
they're gonna go through
recalibration in 2018
so how does that stand
when you recalibrate and you say
when are we finished ? so what we have to say
ease a generality for the oldest
of souls, there is a release
up the recalibrating energy for the
oldest of souls coming shortly very shortly,
we are going to give it to you and tell you
that it is based upon our clock on the energies are the potentials we see
and that the start.
it is in mid
April now
if you go looking for the is in astrological terms
you may find something or nothing
if you look for in quantum astrological terms
you'll see it and I said that person who was here
knows what I'm talking about ,it's good news
it also gives you a hint
on how we measure that which is
time, there's a number at the steps
that occur, it's almost like they are invitations
to open and close certain kinds of energy dispensations some short some
and some of them have nothing to do with the clock,
have to do to with where the earth
is its trip around the Sun which then
asks the question what are the energies involved with the sign in how does the
then do which part in
this system of energy , it's beautiful
its benevolent if you want to be
I think the greatest thing however
we have introduced to you this last year's
is something that is troubling
for many , releasing
for others , pensive for many
I'm going to describe it very briefly and then we close
we have said over and over that human consciousness
is based upon what you understand and you realize
from birth, that there is no judgment of this
in fact it makes total and complete sense that you are
of 3 dimensional society, if you wanted look at semantics
and you want to look at the great signs to brought you read what led
relativity you may have four dimensions so we use the word
3d as a word that means your linear
you are ,this is all you've had
all of your lives you put one foot
in front of the other you go to the next
square on the calendar your verbiage
you're thinking, even that which is spiritual
has to be pasted something did is comfortable for you
that you understand, the most
esoteric thinking is still linear,
the most intellectual of you
that would be proud of how far out you can be
is linear
you discuss
different dimensions you give them names and numbers
that's funny you don't even know what you're talking about
lets all number the degrees of love
write them down and pendulum and draw the lines
that's funny you still
linear and now it stops
one of the greatest things
that is changing with the human mind
is the release of linearity, the understanding that you can go beyond
singularity beyond that which is counting beyond that
which says it order to keep from A to B you have to put one step
for the other hear those whose
saying " think and be
are the same, I can be in both at once"
then there will be those who will say:
"what are you talking about?" and the answer is:
"I have just stepped out a linearity!" And I will tell you
the anyone who is thinking those things
has indeed step out linearity, there's an irony
the quantum physicists have known it all along
that there is a reality that you don't have,
that they look at when they look into their
places of small nation and take a look at
matter itself and how it behaves in what it does
they see it
reality that is not linear that behaves in ways that are
on an unusual to you
there come a time when you take a look at the different realities that you have
and you look at the one that you have
now as being agent old and quite
no one thinks that way anymore
the main one for him esoteric
spiritual person is the one that I will bring up now
how do you find truth?
how do you define it ? the word
truth ? tell me about the concept
I will keep you linearity
1 and 1 because humanity looks for truth
and to them it means there is one
thing called truth, everyone is seeking
the one day called truth
you may have noticed something 25 years
you never gave you the rules for the Doctrine did we?
twenty-five years never told you think this way
think that way- we told you the three choice was caned in WI
now as we become a more elegant
and the transformation
in turn on linearity is becoming more real
you get to know a grander
this will not sequal
with many, there is no such thing
as a singular truth, how can there be
one truth for 7 billion
unique souls how is it possible
and yet you look for it , spiritual common sense will laugh
at you for doing it ,you will look back and laugh
yourselves, and yet you are designed in this way
to look for one thing to grasp on that everyone else can
grasp onto that one being will then beer salvation
of peace and joy and energy helping using,
it does it exist
what if I told you? that the truth
he's in seven billion Parts
each of you have a peace of it
take an old soul who's been here
a thousand or more lifetimes who has had shamanic
energy who studied the stars who is wise beyond her years
on the planet ,whether you remember it or not
this is not important i'm talking about. what in your
in your DNA you carry around the wisdom of the
endchats of the enchat. Part of you still remembering
perhaps other worlds now hold that thought
that's you now here comes a person that has had five lifetimes
they carry around
of fractional what you do of their life on Earth
how does it posture
their personality, they are less
to have the wisdom you do less apt to believe that things you do
could I say something is it possible
that your grand elegant multi-dimensional truth
would be wasted on there are ready four
so they would have a smaller truth
that works for them but their truth will still allow them
to connect to God in elementary way
beautiful he's and God loves them the same yours
way beyond that been there done that your onto
things that are so much more advanced now
I wanna ask you: who's got the truth? do you see what I'm saying
there is no one truth
but there is one God
and there is one spirit and there is one
universal love, and when you mix these together
we invite you to find the grandest truth
of all and that will be yours, not what my partner gives you
no was your neighbor gave you
what you church gives you
but one day is intuitive design for you because at the years you put in
crossing that bridge to God, now this
is a specific multi-dimensional
information point for you it's critical
if you do not pass this understanding
there's a tendency for you to be stock
looking for the one truth which by the way has gotten humanity
it to a lot of trouble if you've noticed, time to break the paradigm
is Christianity
correct? - absolutely, is Buddhism
absolutely! is Hindu who is incorrect? absolutely
does is long have a place it is? absolutely
the love of God when refine
for the souls that need it will cling to a certain kind a paradigm
and God will be there and healing will be there and you think will be there
for the souls that needed and its all
correct and true . But crack
can you give them said give us some kinda I didn't serve
perhaps I where we were we're headed or
what to look for , it's so crazy and scrambled up what do i do you want
to look for I'll give you the answer
you look for love,
you look for love and compassionate any belief system
you'll find it at the core go where it feels comfortable
and move forward and you'll be honored
for look for love, the dark
can not be represented for long
as accurate or true
because there is no love and there is no compassion
and this ozn no better ,welcome to a new paradigm
common sense and reality, some of you got this
some of you had no idea what I say I
and although that is appropriate as well
every single human has his or her own path
of discovery in your own time
in your own way ,you are blessed for it
my only request if I may have one
please don't stop seeking ,please don't despair
please do not think
that is over simply because if somebody
who says something request
because I've been here before so of you
and so it is.

Re: Kryon Sun Valley Idaho 2015 january

Добавлено: 24 янв 2015 20:09
Крайон - 2015 год.
Kryon Sun Valley Idaho 2015 january 10 - "2015"

Greetings, dear ones, I'm Kryon of magnetic service.
the beauty of the human being
is epitomized in that which is divine
more and more
up your cellular structure is being saturated
with that which is from my side of the veil
its decide
out a veil where you or not
3d, in corporeal form
you must separate
in order to exist ,
Скрытый текст:
on my side in the Vale
their is what we would call a sameness
were although there may be trillions
what you would call Soul entities to us
there is one unified thought.
the Oneness a spirited and we spoken at this before
but it affects
that which is common sense regarding
channeling, what you are hearing here
is my partner's
ability to open a portal so that his higher self
will come in in a way that is not typical
and speak to you and yet it's not
the Higher Self of one soul, I just told you
there is a oneness on the other side
the veil we sit in the chair to channel
he brings in all of us.
your higher self is like that on the other side of the veil
he is combined with although that the other souls on the planet
the area that you have which you are developing
dear human being, he's compaction for others,
you don't have to None
because you already do.
He is in elevated thought for you as we discuss what we came
to discuss today ,welcome to 2015
i wanna talk to you today
in a sweet way benevolent way
encouraging way, but before we begin
what you think of it?
is a real of the--non, I'll say that every time ,there are those who will say it's
just a man in the chair
then there are those who are sensitive
who will know there's more, they see the colors
around the chair in the chair you'll see the
Orrick oppressions of those you cannot see but only sends
you'll know that there is an entourage which is dispersed
among you, some love you will feel physically
the hand got upon your shoulder
So as you listen you'll know
then all is well and it's correct and its proper and there is is love
of what. I know any view to ponder your age it a moment, non of you
young ones
who beat older not old enough the old ones who've been told their to old
but none of that is so
we see use ageless because you are
apart the creation because you are
in here for a purpose
because you are , Iwant you to see these
has a beautiful thing ,channeling is not odd
unusual or spooky, it actually represents
a conduit, that all of you have and could
activate easily if your DNA was working at a higher
percentage the lessons of today's lecture from my partner were about the
you're starting to see the only gave you a piece of it
I wanna talk to you about this year
I want to talk to you but the in New geez
of the year
and I talk to you a little bit what some love you would call prophecy in it is
of what is coming what the potentials we see
are based upon what is happening today
do you understand the common sense of this?
if you were able to see a bigger picture
you would be guided perhaps in a different way.
if you are on a road and can only see
that which is directly in front of view you might be mystified when you come to
the fog.
however if you are a bird in the air and you were looking down on the land you
see where each one
the fog lead to, this is the difference
between the human being
yesterday and tomorrow ,for you are developing the ability
intuitively of knowing which road to take
it's not a mystery
it's not hard if you would look
at who you are and understand but your soul pieces
are with in new and also with out you that is to say they are above you
they are in it what you would call that
ethiric area ,you'd understand that they're always an all of you,
looking now trying its best
to advise you ought to do
i wanna talk about
2015 or talk about energy
in ordered to give you this week message not a long one
I have to talk about energy
there was a time if you talked about
energy to human being, it meant one thing:
not another - physical energy
you have somebody on a treadmill they're creating
energy he may be storing it in Connectict's
you talk about the physics of energy
that's not what we're talking about i'm talking about an energy that is there
that some if you recognize it is there and you cannot define it
because you don't have the tools. you can measure it yet but you know it's there
we have spoken of this
over and over, you know that there's energy in love with you can measure it
but you know it's there,
i wanna talk about the energy
of consciousness - everything
has energy , kinds have energy
but you don't know , the very calendar on your wall because it has numbers on it
has energy ,a kind
did you haven't really studied would not know about but it's there
laying in wait as it toolth as the help but you're not talk is everything related to
does who spent time
in nature, no when I'm speaking up,
First of all they see cycle of life there where
what humans might think are inappropriate things that go on with
the very word
mother- nature ,from older
there where the at the beauty of it at the cycle of life which creates more
there's energy there
I ask you
if you were one who spends time in nature
do you feel the energy?and how would you measure it?
and I me ask you this is it benevolent? been
and answer is Hoolia,so much so
you want to go back - some of you
like the ocean and you will see it and watch water,
and after a period time someone will say: you haven't spoken in a long time, what
you thinking?
and your answer will be : I have no idea
you just absorbing
the energy of the ocean, there's
there is this kind a energy
I start this channel this way for
for common sense reason - if you
understand where I'm going what I'm talking about you understand there's
energy that we can sense that is coming
to you is the beginning
of the calendar year, now it's measured
for you in a way that the ancients gave you
to make sense
seasons align today's a line
you know to expect , its linear
it is three-dimensional and as you might imagine
it's not to weigh we measure time
so how would spirit
measure dispensation time
consciousness new energy if we are not on a calendar year
as you are and one on how does it work?
it's measured by the stars,
it's measured by the energy of
the actual land ,it is measured in so many ways,
you're not aware, but instead a calendar with squares in days
we have energy without numbers, and the energy is what then
gives us the dispensations, not calendar,
we talk about that now,
of what is next, dear ones, there's an
energy of consciousness that is not measurable
to you but to us it is palatable
we know what it is, we see it
it happening right now to you in your civilization
in your earth it is starting to shift
he's starting to change, if I could suspend reality for a moment and you
could remember
everything I know, you would remember you've seen it before,
you'd remember it's the beginning
of wave, it remember that
the position you are in the galaxy whose you
you know it, where the planets are
and the sun is in it in during cycle
knows who you are, you know it, you are alighted
with the energy in the cosmos in a very profound way
and the irony of all this is that the ancients on this planet
knew it, and you've lost it, and we ask you
to renew the Alliance.
and you will begin to understand again
is interesting to some and not to others
and so I will only mention it yet again
for a moment energy, it is a known fact that the multidimensional energy
called light can be in several forms to of which
you see it can be in a wave
or particle, and how it makes that designation
is very interesting, because if it is not being observed by a human being
it is a wave and when you observe it, dear one,
it becomes a particle, so you have a multidimensional
force which is energy all by itself,
light, which decides to change
if you look at it ,this is raw physics
and no one understands ,now I'll tell you why and yet again
it is the energy of the human beings consciousness which is profound
when you have attention
on light ,it knows you look in changes
and the physicists at the world know of what I speak
he is the first proof over in over, time and time again, with the same experiments
that consciousness is multidimensional
measurable, has a field and you could directed,
that energy, so i want to talk to you about the energy
of numbers, the most misunderstood
of all of the energies, for seems to be
static, a number on a page with its printible, written
is supposed to have energy , it's not that which is on the page that has the energy,
dear one, it's the
concept of it written in any language
in any form, that hasn't energy
of conceptual less which then gives you a message
and its complex
because one number that stands alone on a page may have one
energy,a number which is surrounded by numbers will have another
based upon what we will call influential energies
around it, complex ,but they all have numbers
all this lead you
to 2015 wanna give you the energy
what we see the numerology
of the year is in two parts
the first part is the year that we see
there it is and it has nothing to do with your calendar
it's easy - it is year too.. 2012 you went through a recalibration year which is
to 3,4, 5. we're looking at you too
because 2013 really didn't count
not really. it's the reason we told my partner don't have a light conference
it doesn't come, the year itself had no energy it was scrambled
it brought up on things you didn't expect
it recalibrated so much.
2014 became year one,
this is our counting based upon
energy of onsciousness. to make it easy we will alight these
with your calendar and we will say for you
year 2 is 2015
to let us first look at the two
and then that's looked
at the some of 2 0 1 5
, then I want to return to the two,
very simple very basic,
the energy of the two when it stands alone
and the concept over it especially
when you're looking at a time frame to any calendar
means duality,
now how do you take one word
call dualityand then projected into a prophecy
of the energy what the year is,
and that is not hard, let me just tell you what it means,
old souls,heightened
sharpened duality is going to bring
this in focus to you ,the difference between dark and light
in your life will be heightened to, things to do not need to be there
old thinking, will start to be seen
has old thinking, the things that are new and the potentials did you are learning
will start to manifest themselves as light ,the hope for the future
will begin to solidify in your mind no matter
what you think about what you see on the planet,
you'll start to waded things in a different light
in that is to spiritual one and not the one you see on the news
you started differentiate what belongs in your life
and what does not , the very thinking that you have ,wrong
thinking ,right thinking will start to shift and you'll realize
you're becoming wiser perhaps the
guidance of your thought will no longer be
action-oriented but compaction oriented, and you'll make changes,
as you need to. it is a two year
that is
for you how does it apply
because it doesn't just sit there for the light worker
it's for the planet here too and we'll get back to that
in a moment , it's good news, is inot?
is new what you've been waiting for a clearer
perception at the demarcation
of the duality , it's not all mixed up
you have to wonder what's right ,you know what's right,
we knew add these numbers together
which is the process in order to get to some
of the energy and the meaning , it becomes any ennate,
aiding interesting number four
it shows you the power of infinity
the double loop that never ends
and energy that does not stop because it meets a straight line
but it can and continue and continue
and continue this
is a sign of the year ,the be sides that which heightens duality
you have the meaning of the eight which he is
manifestation, things that you manifest
don't get manifested and then stop
the 8 is the figure of the Infiniti
whatever you manifest remains and continues.
some have said that the
8 means to them abundant? it does
but perhaps the abundant is not
what you thought, what about an abundant of love?
some of you this is important. what about an abundance of piece?
we don't worry about it anymore.
how many view consumed
with thoughts to keep you awake ,but things that you cannot control
but you worry about - you, your health your children,
you government, that which is around you the world in general?
You know what you don't have to do any in
what if you had in abundance
of piece? You could take a deep breath
and sa:y thank you God ! I am particle
and that it's changing, let me do my part,
thank you for this beautiful sleep, goodnight!"
and that's it.
the morning you wake you realize : you didn't worry at all.
We comes from
survival fear instinct, this is an energy you are learning to abandon because it
does not serve it
is no longer what humans need to do
in old energy you literally had the fear of being
eaten by the tiger, if you ventured out your cave too long
this is not the case anymore
and I use a metaphor but you know it's real , abundance,
What you feel of abundance of wisdom what if you could launch yourself
in the beginning in the day and say:" this day
I will make decisions that are wise and beautiful
they will be so wise, so beautiful there will be others
who will see it and wanted it. they will see it as light
in me and ask about it. dear ones , that
is your purpose in life, for the year we have said before
do not look at the linear actions and performance
as why you're here. you are here to exist
as a light worker and it old soul with the wisdom
that you brought this is old information this is not a prophecy
this is review, but if you haven't heard it before
it new , the reason for European here is to exist
with the light you carrying, so the earth can see it and can change
not from actions, not from being or doing
from existing and being part of a scenario
that which belongs
to the old soul, the one who knows better ,the one who's been here and done that
the one who's involving
and bringing like to the planet gently
in ways that are constructed
and beautiful. now let me return to the two.
2 has a very strong survival instinct doesn't
duality, you see the results have wrong thinking you see the results have
unbalanced duality everywhere, you see those who have made mistakes
who have it completely and totally out of balance
to your way of thinking , and so what we say to you is the measurement stick
of who heads the duality
imbalance and check, truly is where
consciousness is going for the human race,
and we have told you for years
that it starting to get wiser is starting to become more
compassionate and more understanding it is starting to know
what it wants, if you look at the last 50 years
it doesn't want war , the civilizations of the planet are done
conquering each other ,this did not work out
and now you're starting to grow up.
and see it. generation after generation
will be begin to understand how it progresses
in how it can be enhanced ,actually become elegant,
but here we are with the two
how does it then work
with civilization? I want you watch your News
you saw how 2015 began,
how do you like it? you don't, do you?
Some of you have stated: this is any indication of how the you will go
I'd rather just stay in my room! now let me give you
something else to think about :what we would call the consciousness of
is going to have to make a realization and maybe this year
it maybe next it may be next
this is how long it takes to change and to make up your mind
we gave you a prophecy
many many years ago and it said he might come a day
when you really have two kinds of energy on the planet - old in New -
and it wouldn't be separated with countries
all races or languages. it would be separated
by energy ,light and dark
this is the way of that and we have seen it on
every single planet that evolved there's the holdouts
the ones who actually
continue to believe that they can conquer one another
to hate fear killing drama
that they can have absolute control
that they could scare you with fear so you'll be aight
and think their way, and the reason they are so sure
it is because it is worked many times
before , but it's not going to work this time.
what you would call
terrorist acts I feel with these
there is no compassion
there's a one-sided singular thought
the carest duality which is not just old
it is one-sided ,dear ones ,they are showing themselves
who they are, you get to see it for the first time
really see it, They killed
a group for children and walk away laughing because
did their job for what they believe, and civilization up to now
has reacted just the way they wanted,
fear, anger, shock
and they got what they came for, to make it even worse
they're willing to die for it because he'll be always somebody to take their
and they'll be enhanced in their belief, what they're doing,
and here's what I want to tell you,
at some point in time
dear human being, civilization
is going to have to unify itself against them
to take a stand the flight not country by country
but human by human gathering
arms together and saying: no,
this is not what we want we want to move forward
we want light on this planet ,we want a reason to live with what love in our
we want good things, we won our families to grow up around this should be healthy
and happy
we want good schools and good hospitals we want that
two systems we have in place to work we want our governments to work
we don't want to be poor and I want to tell you that would civilization
decides that hats what they're gonna get that's how powerful ya
but right now right now
you cower and you hide
in groups,I gonna tell you are prophecy
duality heightens itself and sharpens itself principle is Asian
its gonna start to see which dark and what light and react
you gonna start seeing organizations you gonna start seeing
those who are banded together all over the planet
against what is taking place, if this goes the way the other planets have gone
what you're going to see
is slowly you're going to corner there which is dark
you gonna corner very interesting way
I wanna give you some practical things that we've given you before
I want tell you that if you killed them back
you one of them , you cannot use dark
against dark ,it doesn't work ,they understand dark
outlaw more than you do , practical
in order for them to exist
again they must fund their work.
part of what civilization is gonna demand is that no country can fund them
anyone is caught funding them they will simply be
out of the group, if you're out at the group you don't trade with anybody, do
no matter what your riches are alone
if you can trade with the world it doesn't do you any good to sit there
with all your riches , does it?
do you see where I'm going with this?
civilization can control darkness by controlling
how the fund their darkness
you can take away their funding , this has worked in the past.
There's a country
and some of you will know what I speaker who figured this out
THOSE was a time in that country where no city was saved and was literally
owned by the drug cartels ,children
could not go to school ,mothers and fathers were afraid for their lives to
walk out to go to the store
or even picked vegetables in their own garden, truth was nowhere
horror was everywhere, and there were those who said they were doomed because
if it,
and the criminals had the streets, and if you walked out
in if you had any abundance at all you were threatened
kidnapping ,dead or worse,
now I want to tell you what has happened in that country
because what they figured out
and the approach they took, they were able to corner that
which was dark and they pushed his side
slowly they pushed it out of the cities
slowly they pushed it into the heels for the last ten years
he simply been pushed it was small group
into the jungle, and its so
interesting to see what that small group did
that darkness the group that originally
ruled the city's murdered and hated
they decided something
in their own way - light
might be better, and they went to their government
who had pushed them into the corner and said :we don't know how
but we want peace and we're done fighting , that
my dear human being, is the future
of this planet if you want it, you can corner him
you can become uncomfortable
and he'd given compassion
and they'll start to realize
it isn't working. That's 2,
a duality that heightens itself
to the point where all humanity decides
to make a decision. - it is happen
planet wide over over, it is one of the steps
we ask you to look for -every single dark
group has a name it has it
acronym and you heard over and over , were the names in the acronyms of a light group?
Hm? well there's going to be some
if you're brave , that's where civilization can go
is headed there. 2015
may not have started as bad as you think
it may have set a standard for what you will not
except or put up , the ones who were killed
at their desks
came in for that reason , is this hard for you to imagine
iF these potentials are known
planet wide from place to place and I have told you who you are on the other
side of veil
is it too much for you to think that perhaps
those who were killed new the potential
at some level and came to work that day
how I want to tell you where they are right now
there in a celebration, can you celebrated? death has no sting
once the returned my side veil we welcome
with tears of love, well done
watch the planet change because of what you gave today,
it's a different paradigm on my side,
dear ones, compassion beneverlence
love. I say it again
it's time to get started was the creation of light
it's a good year for two. that the abundance of this year
be an understanding that the abundance be in the wisdom
that you would have r,egarding debt which were presented with
wisdom ,based upon
that would you receiving through the intuitive self,
not to survive self, that'd be so
I am Kryon in love with humanity
and for good reason. And so it is.