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kryon atlanta.mini 16 03 2013 w/English subtitles

Добавлено: 03 апр 2013 15:44
kryon atlanta.mini 16 03 2013 w/English subtitles

Greetings, dear ones, I'm Kryon of magnetic service.
The process that you see before you is an old soul process. It is is not beyond human understanding, process which is called channeling is a process that uses part of the human to cross the bridge to that which is a dimensionality that you also are part of a non-aware, part of the very bridge that you are crossing in this new energy is that very one.
For in an old Earth situation the attributes which you believe are your entire reality sequester you into a bubble, into believing all about, Around that bubble is what you think is God, something that is untouchable=unreachable, some say doesn't even exist, and there you are. and even the human being who wakens to their divinity, pushes against the bubble, wondering if it is true, perhaps spending their life hoping it is. and so along comes the channel and pushes the limits of the bubble. and some of you will not know even after this is done, whether this was real or not, whether the man needs in the chair inappropriately pretending or not, whether there really is something going on, which is beyond what you think, and touches the very face of the fabric of the multidimensional God.
23 years I have been here, and many of you=have sat and listened and read, and I identified myself over and over as a piece of you. it is been so difficult for us to get the
message across that maybe just maybe where allied INCLUDING the voice you hear here alive all of us, in an appropriate system that is divine, that literally is the essence of what is broadcast from the great central sun, the back which is the middle of the galaxy profound is it might be is in you as well. it is true - and the teaching from the very beginning has
morphed and changed ever so slightly as the=bail starts to lift any be start to study what we have said you will find a sameness to all of you . in the last few years there
There has been an increased awareness of all of it, so where has that come from, dear ones? answer of this comes from you or I continue to teach with the same energy I've always thought I
I remain a guide to the bridge , except that what has taken place slowly is that the human being is start the Porsche=the outside of the limits of the bubble and so the bubble starts to expand and that is what we are going to speak of tonight perhaps
the most difficult esoteric information that I would ever get, begins tonight
for I speak of things that are not obvious has become things that some of you will not understand, for the listener to the reader it may have to be given again worked really to thinking
fort starts now and that is the training in the things that
do not appear in your bubble, how can you learn things that have no semblance of order ?
no reality puny, no reference to anything that you you really know about, the answer is that these things can be taught because they already exist in you, the messages since we began in the year 2013 have been about finding that in you which has been always implanted there ready for now, like seeds that have been there all along, ready for this energy to walk with them, ever since her birth before ever even in your past life, the very soul you bring in as an old soul, dear ones, has had an underpinning= that you've only sentenced, and that underpinning
is like the crops that are now able to grow, and what you're spending this year doing is watering the crops,and slowly new awareness is began to sprout, and it happens so slowly that is comfortable, is comfortable for you to change your position
of how you believe, in what you think,and where you are placing your emphasis because to you it appears to be slow growth in your own personality and when actually it is you watering, the seeds of your past, so that the ancient information will start to reappear, very ancient. And you will then take on the things that you always asked to take on. I know this sounds cryptic but how do I explain a multidimensional reality to human beings who would never really experienced one,
Do you know when you experience multidimensionality is when you sleep?
to constrains of the linear brain are removed to a degree that things are able to mix, and many of you have these dreams which often seem to make no sense and that is to say that the people involved in your dreams shouldn't be there together. that the time that is represented in the dream is oddly now and not now, but sometimes in your dream your one age and then you're another. there is never a time when you're closer to the now than in the dream.
And when you often awake you cannot even identify or verbalize what you went through because the linear aspects snapback in place and your awake, and you can not then tell somebody
in linearity about a nonlinear event. and you're stumped for words on the other side of that bubble that is what exists, and it would be a mistake to take the bubble away but the human mind would not understand, would grow in disarray and chaos
but when you start to water the seeds of your own growth you expand the bubble slowly to include partially, things which are not many, and that's what you're doing this year
and that is why we tell you all of you - it is a year of growth, it is a year of rest, it is a year of dealing with the shift between the old and the new, it is a year of being careful
it is a year of introspection, it is one where many things may come act you that are new that you expected finally, and when they do, accept them. see them for what they are for the synchronicity that you have been waiting for , for so many is now ,the seeds are beginning to grow, proceed slowly for there is no time limit, 18 years is what you have right now
that is the most for for planting new seeds.last 18 marching through the precession of the equinoxes was the one that gave you the most trouble, with that is the one where you
had to slog through all the prophecies and all that energy that said that you're not can make it , not can make it, for these were the prophecies for a long time, now that those have fallen on the floor unfulfilled
the sun comes out, you begin to water the seeds, do not let anyone tell you, dear ones, that these things are not so! with the millennium shift came and went and the earth stood where it
was without a catastrophe, on Armageddon, a rapture
there was a whole coalition of people who decided to bring you something else so that you wouldn't get too comfortable and they did, there's always a coalition that is invested, in keeping you in the dark, and it is not God - watch for.
for what great will come forward and tell you all things have been postponed although there is still things happening over there is this prophecy, that prophecy but right now they're
just getting it together. And right now you can=see the truth there is nothing but the seeds that's what's going on in your life. I can tell you that, old soul, for that is in your room
came with you, will have more in it be, And so it is.