Мини-чен утро 9 марта 2013 Солт-Лейк-Сити

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Мини-чен утро 9 марта 2013 Солт-Лейк-Сити

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Мини-чен утро 9 марта 2013 Солт-Лейк-Сити

С английскими субтитрами

Greetings, dear ones, I'm Kryon of magnetic service.
There are those who would not experience this. The man in the chair who seems to be channeling that is to say he has popped out of his body, he is somewhere else and in columns something that is mysterious and that's the way it's often presented is not? and nothing could be further than the truth for the man is still here
there here on this planet human beings walking the planet have a divine complement each
this has been known by the ancients by the moderns it is developed all the spirituality on the planet they are visiting feeling, this is you cannot ignore your more than about. if you talk a poll of humanity you'd given almost 80% tile agreement that you go someplace after you die 80%, this is your intuition, human being, and this starts the search doesn't not for
what you're going, and those who are more intellectual and freethinkers when it comes to spirituality wanted no more they want to know where you came from before you ever got here, and ones who figured it out, know what to circle, and in the process of this you discovered that every human being has multiple consciousness: the corporeal body, the intelligent body, the higher self - all existing in you. and so what you see here is real and there is no instrument that is known to humanity that will improve, instead there is the discernment engine that occurs in every single human being, that can detect, old soul, what is this is channeling or what is this is not.
And so this is the engine we ask you to discern now. We ask you to look at the situation.
Old soul, what is brought to you, what if you given permission for, what is the intent of the moment. For the man in the chair has stepped to side. if he has multiple consciousness, is
it means that he is aware of opening the portal to the higher self and allowing the messages that I have to come. an agreement before he ever got here, that I would fill the empty
portions of this truck with the love of God, that they would be empty so that there would be no bias, there would be no filter. and so that those in the chair could feel it from what it was! And know it is real! When we tell you, you're not here by accident, you're not here to be victimized, and all the things that have happened to you, are part of a master design that you allowed to put you in places you need to be. I know the questions in the room as I know who is here, I am familiar with every soul on an intimate level because you are family, old soul, I was with you before you came, I was with you the time before, we talked about these times and the potentials, when we talked at your birth but what you might go for, and you did! For the French of loss of the partners of the children all the things that would bring you to your needs so you might turn inward, and look for the power with it, it doesn't just get you through these things, it expands with them, I know who is here, I know the frustrations in the chair, and I'm going to give a channeling later today. I'm telling what's happening on the planet yet again, I'm filled with this - for you have passed the marker, beautiful marker. when you were born there was no predestination that you ever see it now. there are potentials, the very you are build in, would be gone - burn long ago with you. that was the potential and some of you know when I
speak, some of you, old souls, had been through what I will call the decision going to humanity
When you come to a place where you almost have the ancient knowledge and you simply cannot go further, and you allow a pandemic of plague wiped out most of you and you stay over, and that has happened.
Where the libraries of the planet been lost, you have no idea what human civilization is.
You only know the last section, dear human being, because when you're in survival, you're burning libraries for heat. you only know the last few thousand years, and there was a lot more
I will talk a little bit about that yet tonight. Old souls in the room here, and you're here for one reason - you are asking there something more than you know. And the answers is Yes. It starts with love yourself
Can you get to play a point where your comfortable with you? Would you not in distress all the time?
what is this what did you distress over? take a look. you afraid of death, health issues, relationship issues, work issues, money issues, did you know what? how much time you spend looking at it? that's an idol you are worshiping. you may, you make it's a funny word what else to call it? if you ponder it all the time it's in front of you all the time, and I'm here to tell you, old soul, you are going have to put that away, and you have the ponder, beauty in you and balance in you, it's in you waiting to come out, the hels in you, the joy in you, the place where you can sit and say: "it's well with my soul,
not only do I know who I'm, I know who I'm going to be, death has no staying" - and in this new energy you can look us
the other side of the veil in the eye and say: "Bring it all, I'm ready to go". And that, my dear human being, is the warrior and you, the lightworker and you, that has become- for the next step be accomplished for this is when the work begins. I'll tell you a little more about what is happening on the planet
expanding the knowledge even from the last time we spoke there is so much here to right before we close: I want to say something about channeling: there are those who would say: " well, you know it's a new age thing". you can really see much in the old days really, I would tell you something you don't know
maybe you should - this is what the ancients did. They knew how to move in and out of the conscious body and if you take a look at the tribes on the planes that even were here.
there were those who knew harder move over the volves,harder see with their eyes and spell with their noses, harder a hunt by channel, they were those who could take on the totems of the animals in order to survive the next season, that channeling, there were those who could move into the Gaia energy of the earth, to find out what the seasons would like and if they were in a sacred aerial or not, this is not new, this is been available and has been the way of it since humanity began, so do not mystify this into something that is new and odd, when it has
your name, and something we invite you to relearn, and there are those who will teach it to you, and one of sitting next to me. I'll be back. and so it