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Who are You? Sedona 2012 Sunday June 10

Добавлено: 04 фев 2013 03:55
Who are You? Sedona 2012 Sunday June 10
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Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of magnetic service.
And so we reflect, do we not? Energy of the room has changed since those days ago
when you could walk in here and no human was yet sitting in the chair
The quantum effects which we have described to you is one that is timeless, when the quantum energy you have potentials not those things, which you can tell as the future, but the fortuneteller, potentials only.
In the room we saw the potentials of changed lives of ones who would find the joy of their magnificence inside, it would leave differently than they came because they would drop some of the old paradigms that they had carried like weight on their back
all the lives, even their spiritual lives. They've carried this.
Wondering if they were doing it correctly, moving from place to place, looking for those things that they should do next or not, they will leave differently.
And that is a profound change in a life, that we sensed - the potential of those in the chair today, dear ones, even the potential of where you're sitting, was known, there was ceremony here in the dark
that it is you cannot see, for you call family, preparing the room for this day in the days prior to it, and so I would like to bring you a very concise and short message about that. Why would we care, why would there be ceremony before you ever got here by those represent what some are saying
Why would we care? Why would there be ceremony before you ever got here by those represent what some are saying:
God Almighty, Spirit Creator of the world or universe is that I gathered here before you get here and do what! prepare the energy for the names we knew were come, to see each face each, problem, each healing, each life, different each.
And put a blessing on the chair where you are sitting, to be prepared to support them as they walk around the city as they visit for a short amount of time or live here equally loved you are.
Why would we do that? and so this we have said before in some other languages and you need to hear
you need here, there are those who will tell you that God is a faceless energy, at you have to to climb stairs and mountains process in order to get the attention that divine entity represented by the angelic realm somewhere other than here
that true: we came before you were here in order to prepare the way for you,
in order to soften the energy so you would feel peaceful, safe, at home, opening your hearts, ready to learn, that sound like it, a garden and care you are, that sound like the creator of the universe and you're just a fly on an asteroid called Erit
some will tell you that, some will humanize God to the extent that there are wars in heaven, and there's a protocol, that you can and cannot do for you will displease that Almighty, doesn't care about it, let you do some wrong,
and you never will escape from Hell, that is prepared for you, that seems right to you? could it be that there is another paradigm of consideration, and the entire meeting, and all those,
who come with the joy after the laughter, and the messages and tears... I meant to give you one message you are known by God
because you are family, when you're not here, you with me, for the name you cannot pronounce for is a name that is sun and light, all the time, and you may sit there wonder, who you are, never understanding that there is an entourage
that surrounds the room, singing your name, giving thanks that you are on the planet, sending the light and making the changes that we saw coming 20 years ago
And so this becomes the fulcrum, jumping off place for a greater experience of divinity and peace, of peace, not just in the Middle East or those other places, that will slowly repair themselves,
that in you, in your psyche, and in your intellect, in your logic, in your heart, the beginning of a peaceful countenance,
no matter what. You beginning to understand, some things that have been mistreated, I've spoken of a few of them, let me just mention, right here on the state,
a few moments ago the truth, the deep truth, you are your own ancestor, do you totally completely correct in every way, this is not your first time here
the ones, who would sit in this group, are unique, you felt a pulling to come and hear, and see, and feel, could there be something here for you,
and so I tell you the beauty of the care, that goes in to the human beings existence.
There is a plan, dear ones, you are not scattered onto the planet, and every human for themselves - that is not the way it works, you are not into survival mode, when you walk around with a piece of God inside, and all the masters told that,
that then `to open the door and discover what might be there, that is invisible, if you shut your eyes right now and put the intellect aside in all the logic and all the things you've ever been taught, and ask yourself is it really true,
that when I die, I go to dust and that's all, there is,
in every human in the room will know better know, there has to be something more, where does that come from inmate becomes from your intellect, that knows better,
every cell in your body knows better, you been here before, you'd be here again, there is a cycle of life.
And if you are divine creature, put on this planet on purpose perhaps with things hidden from you, so you have free choice to make decisions, there is a plan even around.
And some of you will put these things in boxes and make rules around them
because you think you know, how God thinks, never understanding God's love.
would you give your children anything you could, do enhance their lives as they learn for themselves, mother, father, wouldn't you, as you stay in touch with them,
as they go from here to there learning the things of life that they need to learn, they are called you, listen, what you give me some advice, what would you to do?
Would you say: who is this exactly? I see, what would you been doing, I can help you, for there are those who tell you that spirit is that way, and it isn't, love is unconditional, unconditional, love is unconditional, unconditional,
and it feels the space between the electron haze in the nucleus of the atom with compassion, that is the energy of God,
and so old souls make trips to various cultures so you will have the wisdom of the world by the time you get the 2012 and that means that although you sit here many of you
as an American today in a country only 200 years old would you do before that, you were Samaritan, lemurian,
where else might? Tropic Indian perhaps, too bad! What have you experienced? How many lifetimes have you had, loved given example, I call this Akash inheritance. you may be born of the lineage and the chemistry of the European,
and so old souls make trips to various cultures so you will have the wisdom of the world by the time you get the 2012 and that means that although you sit here many of you perhaps even an Irish one like my partner.
Is that what you're going to inherit spiritually? No, so there's two kinds of inheritance, one is chemical and one is spiritual, all the past slides you had are a culmination of who you are right now,
you may look like the chemistry of your ancestors, but the consciousness and the cellular makeup tends to be that of the wise one that you were.
There are ones in this room who spent lifetimes in cultures where they did not eat meat, and so you awaken in this culture that has a lot of it, and what do you do?
You may even be trained in it, and you rejected,do you not? it doesn't feel good to you, doesn't ring true to you, you realize when you eliminated, you feel better.
and now I'm telling you, why. Lifetime after lifetime in a culture that did not have it, when you then come to another culture, it doesn't matter, what you're going to remember what your body wants at a chemical level
and that's what you're doing. and how many people around you are you going a point, when say "This is what you should do"? That make sense to you,
it works for you, dear one, because you have in Akash remembrance at the cellular level and that's the only reason it works for you. Now amplified this to all of the other thing
as you come from society that used to meditate five times a day for now, and now you want to do the same, and they'll be another light worker who can go all day, and fulfill the same kind of spiritual energy for their soul without meditating at all
for their in 100% meditative state. which one is right, dear ones, and what do they do with that? Start a church? Want to do and want to don't? point their fingers at the one to do and say: this is wrong! and you never getting into heaven,
if you do it, they do, and you know I'm right about this. And this is what has taken place.There are those who walked with the masters of the planet. And when they step into three dimensions,
and have Akash remembrance, they started group and say: this is the only master, this is the only way! because that's what they remember.
And their hearts filled with love for this and there's integrity in it, but they missed the big picture. All our love the same, but so vastly different, and that when you get a group of old souls together you have many protocol
you have many ways to not project your way on another, look into their eyes and see God and that's the extent of it.
You walking to the other room and there will be those who have processed, art, energetic glass, protocols of healing, and you may stand there in bewilderment and say: which one? And you missed the point
you will be drawn to what works for your Akash inheritance, and these of the things you look for that is true to you and it does not make the others wrong
And as you gather with one another finally and you see, what your friends have done and what has served them, you might say to yourself, look what they bought B.
You do that I know it! That's for you. The B-. looks at me and says the same. Meat eater looks at the tofu and says the same.
And they walk out hand-in-hand because they know that God loves them the same. Honor the different system, and understand where they have come from, do not put the boxes out there, when you put all the marbles and say:
this is the only one! - understand, it is time for Akash wisdom, to surface in a way, when you're no longer go to look at any other person
and say: "their path" - is incorrect, if they wish to go toward building and Neil and sing the songs of praises that you don't understand or spread a rock
and face a certain direction, I want to stop and think about it -
this is their way to find divine inside, and it could, and it's good! if that's all they do and as far as they go - to discover that which is inside them from the stars is good enough for God.
You human? What you do is good enough for God. The closer you draw to your higher self, the wiser you will be in all these things in the less any of those differences will matter to you, dear one,
I just saw it on the screen a moment ago because there's a whole bunch of young people, starting to awaken and throw away the trappings of their parents, and look at the hard issue and say:
it's a fool who is gong sender children to the bad of you and that of you high, and that is the new world. I'll be back.
And so it is.