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THE RECALIBRATION OF SELF part 2 April 29 2012

Добавлено: 20 фев 2013 21:23
THE RECALIBRATION OF SELF part 2 April 29 2012

http://www.kryon.com/cartprodimages/dow ... odeID=1053

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
And so is again the energy in the room presses upon you.
in the moment, that I was gone, the energy has increased and develop awareness, is more open hearts are more pallable,
than mall you.
What might my partner to use the right word that I see, they are soft.
and what has happened in the last few moments since I said the words that would close a MInI channel - is a consciousness shift in the room?
and there are those now ready to hear what I am taking for. I am so aware, dear one, who was here. for the message is about the recalibration of self, and the message is one that asks the listener and the reader to go be on that which they would consider as what I would call survival reality.
To move into the potential possibilities of things that are real, but that have no structural proof, what I mean by structural proof is that they are not three-dimensional attributes that you understand, and I'm asking this because that is what is required for recalibration of that which is persona,l but very self core which is you.
An in review I will say that the channel tonight, then complements, dear ones, from last night, and it will be succinct within itself and complete, however if you will to listen to them as a pair, one before the other in the sequence they were presented, it will be more complete.
And so with this said I will give a review of last night, that will be then quick - energy on the planet is what is shifting, but you cannot even define energy, we said before if we ask you what energy was, most would see it in a wire.
You do not think of energy has been that which emulates from or to the human being on a regular basis, it's usually something static you walk into or leave.
The idea that the human is transmitting and receiving certain kinds of multidimensional energy all the time is not something that you were taught when you were child.
To come in to that realization is to think that things are arts, spooky, weird, because you cannot assign any kind of attribute which is consistent and constant to any of it. therefore is outside the preview, what you would call that which makes sense and is formulated and empirical.
And how you can here use a something that you don't understand, and that is what were asking you to do, in additionally you have those things which restrict your belief or which are connected to human bias.
And the one we have talked about last night and tonight here, is that balance on the planet inside you and your perception of dark and light.
And we ask you to please understand: the darkness has no intelligence but you assign intelligence to all of these kinds of things because they are not empirical, and when you feel resistance you assign any to it, not understanding, that it might simply be the way things work.
Again we define life and dark, again we wanted you understand that you are light worker and that light has an active attribute, the darkness does not, as defined, darkness is the absence of light.
But the balance is i something you could understand, if we told you there was good of you new balance of dark and light, you say: "I understand", if I told you that light was going to change and darkness was going to change, you say: "What that means?"
But it is. Human being, why are you so interested in creating attributes that are personal when it comes to physics? If you put your hand in invisible place and you felt something push back, chills would run down your spine, and you'd say: "Who is that?"
When you jump up in the air and pushes you down to get chills on your back - you say: who is that? And you don't, that's because you grew up gravely, it's the biggest pusher of all, you didn't assign an entity to it, did you?
When you have magnetic at the best in static situation in a laboratory and you working with the power of the positive and the negatives in repelling and pushing, you looking at something that pushes and pulls, and have you assign names to that - only the ignorant natives might have don't on understanding what it was at the atomic level, you have atoms that are missing parts, and those atoms look to other atoms that have those parts.
They're constantly through a process of unusualness trying to balance, this is physics it's energy, and they catch themselves to find atomic structure of the parts that are missing that magnetism. And I want to tell you the truth, dear ones, there is no negative entity in their with tail on horn or horn on tail - a Kryon joke.
We are trying to show you something that you be so obvious to you - if you haven't experience did - doesn't mean, it doesn't exist? And so there are things that push and pull that you cannot see, that you believe are entities, enter dark and light.
Multidimensionality in systems on the planet of balance much like magnetics are always in play, and one of the attributes we told you, was changing, was one of the most esoteric of all, that was the crystalline grid. The crystalline grid at the moment does not remember things linearly, if things happened are negative, it remembers them with a higher power quotient, than things which are positive.
And therefore when you walk on former battlefields you feel it, and that's going to change.
As the energy shifts, the crystalline grid even in past remembrances shift, what you do today - rewrite how the crystalline grid remembered yesterday, and here you are with the axiom that I given you before, that what you do in the future changes the past - for the crystalline grid is becoming less linear than it used to be, and is going to start remembering things far differently than it used to be.
to second extent the light worker standing in a battlefield will forever erase what happened in battle, and we have told you to expect this.
And you are rewriting self-worth, and it's hard. Last night we left with this, that the idea was for you to understand more about the push-pull of dark and light, and what may very well happen next, and try your very best do not assign an entity do it - darkness is stupid, it has no intelligence, it is simply part of a system that wants to survive for balance, like so many other systems on the planet even the ones at the atomic level.
There are designed to survive for balance. When you start to rewrite the system, you will have that which is dark and light, start to change its attributes, and what I'm trying to tell you is, light worker, the dark is going to resist and start to push back harder for survival.
And you can go right to that place which is the dark side is get me today, not understanding that you're dealing with the force not an intelligence, and I will tell you yet again,something that many still don't understand - if you're in the light, you can trick the darkness, as you can see, it cannot - that is the secret, dear ones, and yet the darkness is going to come forward in its balance trick.
In a multidimensional way to try to stuff out the light. Oh, dear ones, the light is coming, what happened to you today? Can you feel it? you can live differently than you came, ca you feel it? I can, I know who is here. I know what happened. I know what's happened.
The third language which is a consciousness of communication way above anything my partner did today, has visited you in this room, and that's what he was talking about, he knew that, was evident and it doesn't always happen touching those with truth, helping those to understand perhaps a little more why they're here to talk about that, even solving some problems.
That's energy, that's a multidimensional energy you did not expect, touching you in areas that you cannot explain, but your wisdom factor gets bigger, light workers have the advantage you're about to plant seeds of peace on earth, and in the process and old balance of light and dark will be interrupted.
Eventually like some of the other planets we have discussed, the dark will diminish to a place, where there will be no more war, countries will continue to have disagreements, there will be things to work out, but there will be no more war.
We've told you that you will look back on the time before 2012 eventually I have the o'clock, I cannot tell you when that will be, but I can promise you this, that humans will look backwards to today and say: "you were barbaric". and of course it would be you looking back.
That's how different it can be. We talked about the bridges sorts, we talked about a battle coming, this is it, you are in it. The sorts are metaphoric for celebration, you walk through bridges sorts during marriages and celebrations and military and not, spirit put simply crosses them in battle before you, and you walk underneath them, light worker, on your way to the battlefield of realignment of self.
But it isn't going to be easy, so let us describe in this short time, what we did not talk about yesterday, that is itemize, some of the things, that the dark in its darkness will bring to you to look at, and if you know it's coming you can conquer. What do you think, darkness would do, that would quench your light?
Now although it is not intelligent as we discussed last night, if a human takes it and wishes to work with it, the human as a consciousness of evil on purpose, therefore its darkness that is enhanced by other humans who wish to keep it alive, darkness by itself is innate, darkness with the help of a human being's consciousness is evil.
It helps to explain the power of those processes which human beings have had where they conjure up that seems to be demonic, gives credibility to that which is voodoo, and must married to a belief system of those who are afraid, so it is complex - you're not fighting an entity, but in a way you are also fighting other humans, did you expected that, did you not?
There will be an element of human nature, that will fight the light, but they're still in the dark. What is it?
that dark energy could do - to quench your life, because that's what you can expect, so let's study.
Light is diminished if not extinguished totally by fear, if there's anything that darkness knows, with the help of intelligent human beings, that's not an oxymoron, if you study what I just told you, it knows that if you are afraid, it one.
In physics in nature all through the planet change is resistant, if change is inevitable, there are certain things within the system that will fight to the death to keep things the same, this is what you are facing, an old paradigm that wants to remain.
In human terms sometimes it will be grid power comfortability with the way things used to be, and all of that is going away, so the darkness is almost like a reservoir with those who wish to create a system that used to be.
And they will not survive, and they will not win, but you are the light worker planting the seeds here's what to expect. Ff they can make you afraid, they'll win.
Now those who are listening, those who are reading, those in the room, you might say "I am not afraid, Kryon, I have the love of God in my heart, I am not afraid, I'm not even afraid to die, I know about the circle of life, I know what the love of God, and I am not afraid".
And here's what I want to tell you: "You might be, because the dark with the aid of other human beings, knows your Achilles' heel, light worker, and it's not what you think, what would you be afraid of, really?
I will say it again, light workers have an attribute you wouldn't expect, like of self-worth, you could beat up, I said before, I said it last night, many of you coming not even knowing what was going to happen this time, with the potential was there, that you would get this marker and move past it, and you have.
Put off how many lifetimes did they sacrifice you, because you are strange, you had power could see colors or worse, could heal people, so you coming to this lifetime powerful in light and weak in worse, and you know it.
And so what is it you would be afraid of, I tell you. number one: are you really correct? Is this really happening or are you a fool?
Who was grasped onto the nothingness the emptiness of the new age and lived your life in frustration and foolishness?
And I will tell you: there will be things that may make you asked the question, and if you even start to ask the question that is a seed of doubt on your deathbed, but not until then you'll never know. You see where I'm going with this, dear ones, because this darkness which is not intelligent, knows about light and dark, it knows which afraid of. They can't see it.
You can dance around it, move around, they can't see you, but can make you afraid, afraid, whether you have it right.
And then there's the minute show of rightness, you were trained in a three-dimensional world with three-dimensional spirituality, and they were told you over and over: if you don't do this right, you are going to fail. You might even go to hell.
And so it may occur to you: you've been doing it wrong!And if you've been doing it wrong or worse, you're not fulfilling the purpose that you came for, you use the word contract.
Let's somebody come along, who looks like a light worker, and tell you "you failed, you have not pleased God and you're not fulfilling your contract". and you will go down, because you will hear them, and they will appear to be one thing, and they are not.
They'll be representatives of the dark, this is the war that we spoke of, it's the war of belief. Light and darkness clashing in a multidimensional way in a back-and-forth way that you didn't expect it that it's not as simple as not being afraid.
Dark will trick you, if you let it, dark will come along and say "Well, have you found your life's purpose yet?" And most of the light workers in the room will say "Not really". But I know I will someday, and the darkness will say "It's too late", for you failed God and you failed yourself and you'll never do the things you came for.
And darkness is so 3-D. I want you to watch for this, dear ones, this is how you going to know what is dark and what is not. If darkness tells you "You failed" that is not the light.
If anyone on this planet stands in front of you and say "You have found your contract, when you get with it spiritually", that's not the light, and I will give you the truth, and the truth is something I have given over and over: light workers are here to stand and show their light not to do things
You were born on the planet to walk from A to B, to have compassion for other human beings and to show the family what love is, to show the workers around you what love is, to be gentle in your countenance and act like a master, not to write a book or building healing center or do any of the other things that human told you might be doing, did you hear me?
Being here is what you came for, and we celebrate this light and as long as you walk the earth and understand this darkness cannot touch you, for you can't be afraid of things that are not right. You made the rules, don't let them tell you what the rules are.
Afraid of having failed God, Afraid didn't fulfill your contract, let me give you concept of you have heard before: if you want to have a contract fine, if you were told that you have a contract fine, but it's in invisible ink - and you say: "No, it isn't because I wrote it, I remember was supposed to be", I tell you: "Well, it disappeared last night".
And that means you can rewrite tomorrow morning, how about that? And the dark is going to come and say: "Ha-ha, no, you had a contract that commitment suffered, did you know that?"
you know that you never have a day , you are never make it.
things even better if we swatted down again, because you came to suffer.
Is anybody told you that? Yes, and I want to tell you: meet the darkness - but that's the battle.
Your self-worth is your Achilles' heel, old soul, what We can do better?
I want you to understand that there is a process available, when you start rewriting that part of your DNA, not living another 18 or 19 lifetimes until you feel better, but you do it now.
Watch your envision that which is perfect, did you? Watch the love of God you as a perfection and watch the claimant, see the light of different color and walk from this place capturing something you never thought you'd have because you gone and meet it.
Briefly I would like to tell you some things that may happen, that are going to make you afraid: the potentials are afoot, for the darkness to work the puzzle in ways you might not expect.
Just when you think you are working for a better piece on the planet there may be a small war.
And what do you do with that? Are you going to throw up your hands and say: "I knew I was wrong? Darkness one".
And You will look at and say "I see the deception, humans are simply being humans, it is known and it lasts long".
And it's can be intolerable to those around it, who didn't create it, intolerable.I want to tell you: the young people of this earth do not want more war, they do not want war anywhere.
And if it occurs it's can be the elders who did it. And the young people are going to slap and down for, but in the meantime you can look at and go, what's happening about things we getting better,
What one of the worst things that could take place it would make you doubt, and I will tell you, what to look forward to, what to expect, it is something you didn't think could happen, a split in the New Age.
You might have to make a decision, or not. I encourage you not to participate in a split of any kind. If you have a consciousness, which has no boxes to get in, how can it split? If you have a consciousness where there is no membership or doctrine how can it split?
And yet there will be those who say: "Well the processes are the processes and you're not doing the right thing, therefore we cast you away, your no longer a light worker!".
Welcome to the human being, who always takes divine things, puts their own spin on it and gets into their own box and calls you wrong! And what you could do with that in your own backyard with people perhaps you love? What you could do with that?
And I would tell you what you should do with that. here comes the "should", it's the same "should", I gave you before, want to see: "Only should", Kryon ever can a give any human being and that is your should capture that which is the love of God and don't let go!
Don't let the intellect trick you into thinking you got a go one way or the othe,r if you hold a Masters energy, nothing can touch you, let them go and be and do!
Meanwhile you are going to plant seeds on the planet, that's why you came! Don't be conspiracy, not really, not really, but they'll tell you, there are, and they will be believable, and they will be ugly, darkness loves this, for conspiracies love the dark, and they function so well because nobody knows if they're real.
And so that's what darkness will plant: conspiracy, theories, you haven't even heard yet, - and there will be a lot of them. Recognize them, when they show up, know, that they are not from the light, know, that they are not accurate, recognize them and cast them away, do not support them.
You do not have to argue with anybody, who comes forward with it, you can see the love of God in your life, and seed of love, God in them and that's all you have to see, and you move forward, planting the seeds of light of yours.
Can you imagine what the Masters of the planet went through? Who can confront them with what, the things that have not been written down, the difficulties with humanism... Can you imagine and you know what they did with it?
Nothing! They didn't have to, they were above it, all of it. Those can conspire against them, trying to get signatures here and those kinds of things there, they were above it, they move forward and put their light towards me.
Master said: the difference between then and now is that the Earth is ripe and ready, and the seeds you plant will grow and grow fast. The seeds are compassion, they are understanding, they are love, and they are - listen, good health,
add a few but that, light worker, you didn't come all this way, so you direly, that's not in the contract, maybe the old contract, you think you had, or somebody told you, you had, for the one that you made up, that's not a love of God.
Who wants to stick around? Make this life as long as you can make it in good health and productive, there are things before you, which will actually you feel, there are processes before you, you all will be able to look at and become multidimensional,
apart from that which is recognized, which literally will keep you alive, because the cellular structure that say which is innate in your body is multidimensional and will cooperate with consciousness
if it's pure, this is not a frightening message, and you know, why? Because darkness doesn't have a chance! I tell you these things mainly for those who are reading and listening in other places, who may not have that which you have which is the multiplicity of lifetimes and wisdom placed upon you in this room,
those here the chairs no better. Some of you fought the battle already, some of you know exactly what I speak of, look for these things, which I have given you today as proof, that what I bring you is true and real, the potentials are there, darkness - it doesn't have a chance.
The humans who will then use the darkness will realize after a while: it doesn't work. Watch for this as well - there will be those who try to re-create race war, and what might have worked for the 50 years ago,
is going to fall on its face because no one will join. They be shocked: no one wants to cooperate, they be surprised, these are the kind of things we talk about for you to watch for.
Those who are interested in creating things from the past that worked for them, which were negative and ugly, go work! Our mention of the "T" word - Terrorism - though comes a day, dear ones, when a few terrorists who are left will not be able to recruit anybody, because they'll be an acknowledgment even within their own circles - it doesn't work!
And slowly the humans who would then use the dark, will pass - the darkness is truly stupid and innate, and slowly you'll see a planet the changes consciousness and the seeds that you planted in the love and the compassion of God without fear, will blue and grow, and yes, you be here to seed - and that may be another Kryon joke.
Do not, do not fear death, all of you are scheduled for return, all of you, every one of the room, I speak to the room, you could hardly wait to get back, let me point this way - you can do plant seeds and walk away and wonder whether the ever grow... so what you can do.
You can go through all this trouble of hundreds of lifetimes to get to this place with the energy is cooperating with you where the actual field to follow, or not? You won't know unless you come back and watch them grow or not, or they will?
But you don't really know, do you? I want to tell you because I'm meeting them every day, the light workers, who are passing, are standing in light - I next, I next, I next, they know they are coming back.
And when they awaken they will awaken with the knowledge of a new energy because the new energy promotes this,
you do not have to go through what you did before, you do not have to come and be stupid and wonder if you wake up, and go through a couple of lifetimes and say: "I didn't".
And the young child shortly after you realize who you are, you are going to start having divisions truly of what you've done, and you are going to turn to this Compassionate Way.
There'll be eight and nine years old, so you can look in their eyes that say they're waking way too early, they know who they are, you thinking indigo is a handful wait to you see what they are?
Little shame's work, work you have to, difficult, you don't know what to do them. little monks to hold other system we have never even described ask a Pleiadian and he'll tell you what it was like, she'll tell you what it was like.
What I'm telling you is that when you come back, dear ones, it's not going to be the way it was this time, all of the knowledge you learn this time will be available instantly, with free choice, and you will walk wise even before your 20, wouldn't you like that...
You won't make the same mistakes, you don't have to learn through relationships that don't work, what works - 'cause you come in knowing what works, of what that. You're coming with the ability of facing off another human being in knowing that he has something you are not, so you won't like to make a mistake and have betrayal of that.
I will tell you which are to be looking for you everywhere you go you could be looking for you to seed that you planted you want to check about, I want to explain that just to say that you'll know that they are growing, and the earth will be a little lighter for it, and there will be more compassion for it,
and know the time, when you look at it and go: "I did this", and your self-worth will sorry, and when it's appropriate not the ego but the God self, and you will say: "It is well with my soul, and I'll know why I'm here". So go and do it.
I'm Kryon and love the humanity. And so it is.

Re: THE RECALIBRATION OF SELF part 2 April 29 2012

Добавлено: 20 фев 2013 22:30
Лада Велесса
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