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The DNA Time Capsule February 10, 2013

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The DNA Time Capsule February 10, 2013

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Re: The DNA Time Capsule February 10, 2013

Добавлено: 03 апр 2013 02:39
"The DNA Time Capsule" February 10, 2013
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Greetings, dear ones, I’m Kryon of magnetic service.
the consciousness of my partner is still here in this process you call channeling he stands beside the chair that's how close it is.
this is a learned trades and does not necessarily mean it's the way of channeling.
this is what he has had to do from his standpoint in three dimensions he must leave the room which is the brain and or to allow the creative energy through his higher self to fill the space and deliver the message long ago one of the attributes that he set as his standard would be that he would be able to remember all that was said that he does not go into a state where he flows around he goes into a state retakes notes it's the engineer who needs to remain for validate, to check, to make sure all is well I tell you this, dear ones, because the very process that you see now is something that is common to humanity.
the invitation is open as I say yet again for you to find things for yourself in a way that involves your intuition the jury intuition becomes then as Kryon is to him giving you the messages that you need when you need them not in front of groups but in front of you to give you a good guidance when you need good guidance to let you see when you're being foolish if you're being foolish to let you see if you're being profound when you're being profound and so it is that the human being has always had the disability and in this new merging energy we told you last night that all the things that are coming and are being presented to you they are new, are actually part of a process of things that were always here.
in this process of things that were always here we referred to them as a time capsule last night we walk you through some of that which was the time capsule of Gaia.
but things that lay within the crystalline grid that have always been there planted indeed by the very creative source that founded humanity the ones to change your DNA that fused it into twenty three chromosoms or the information of the pleaidians are there but the information that they have that they still have, that will be released over time is about ideas, about inventions, things for humanity and not for you personally instead these time capsule it's going to change you personally is right where you think it is and again we talk about that mysterious strain called DNA.
DNA that double helix the building blocks of life has been revealed as a multi-dimensional tool, and some of you may believe that it contains information that would be unique to humans.
if this is so let me ask you why was it so easy for pleiadians to become three of your terra players of the twelve? the answer is that they have DNA also and it looks a lot of like yours I have something else for you to ponder do they have three layers of somebody else's? the answer is yes.
and what about their parent planet did see they them a million years ago or so? as the parent planet have three layers at belong somebody else? the answer is yes.
you start to hear the parent's names and you know what they are you start to hear about your round Arthurian, should be meaningful to you? and know that there's a system on this galaxy platform you live on.
a beautiful system that is a ageless, as all as the galaxy itself you've got to know something, dear ones, there be something that is uniform when it comes to life in the galaxy, in the galaxy, and you are going to discovery eventually as you find life outside your own planet in your solar system and when you do it'll be microbial and when you look at it you're gonna find DNA.
that's when you're going to start to understand and realize that there is a sameness of evolutionary process of life something that is not unique to earth but it driving force that actually puts things in place that drives them to a certain way a system that makes DNA indeed DNA_ may be different indeed the numbers inside, the chemistry inside may be different, but the process called DNA for the chemistry that it represents is the same.
and so those who see did you have DNA, the ones who see them then have DNA interesting it is that this is the sameness you'll find some day and the smallest of the small and forward places that did not come from the planet and you'll start to understand and realize their is a system and it's beautiful.
as a time capsule in you.
the three pleaidians' layers are not all that unique and what they represent in you is or they are are and their parents are, and the parents of their parents are.
and what I’m telling you this used at the time capsule within you is longer lived then your planet he'd represents those in the galaxy far far older than you, even of the human race itself, it's in you.
we have told you for years that there is more here then you can imagine and that it opens and reveals itself only as humanity allows it.
And so we need these few minutes we would like to method for rise for the first time you walking into your DNA.
over a hundred trillion pieces DNA all identical in your body.
science discovered to double helix they've analyzed but no one has even started to ask the big question: how do they communicate to the actors one? answer is yes.
how are they put together? how can they act as one? is there a field surrounding them? is there a consciousness to them? all of these kinds of things in the human body.
you never looked at.
you don't know about it and you will.
how does the unity responded to brain consciousness? for DNA does not think.
your brain does.
DNA does not have synapse or logic, your brain does.
how does the DNA respond to the neuron's in your heart? where there are far more of them that there are in your brain? does the heart think? all at these questions You have an answer to when you understand the system eventually DNA's bigger than you think the process is bigger than you think let me walk you into it in a way that will be meaningful to you, in a story way, in a metaphor way to allow you to process a little and think about things that I’m going to tell you, they are beautiful.
the energy that you are in now is the beginning for the rest of history.
and over time it will reveal itself as being different than the rest of history.
You will see things occur and not all that far away it'll make you remember the meeting today and what my partner taught: you indeed have passed a marker that is very significant to that very galaxies division and I’ll say this again that there are those you have yet to meet that know your name and what you've done here and are celebrating this moment the only planet a free choice has become something different.
it has become the planet that chose.
and right now as you see here there is another planet that's cooking in the background.
in less than a quarter of a rev , around the center of the galaxy it will be ready for you to plant the seeds in it's a better way but that is to profound than what you've done you've gone past a potential that you might do something into an area where he did and this ball is rolling to the extent that you can't stop it and, dear old souls in this room, there may be seniors who will flail around at all their life still not understand what has happened but their children know.
at their children will know and they're coming into this planet different than you did.
with DNA that is different than yours the quantum portions of it picking up a new energy, not the old energy, with new ideas that you've not sought out and how to build a planet? that will not overpopulated self because it's smart.
they will not take its resources and expand them because it's smart.
'cause instead people find new ways of doing things which always dream where there are and the children of the children the children we'll be you by the way come with me on this journey there's a time capsule in the DNA let's pretend for a moment to q stand in front of a house and the house is the metaphor of your own DNA, one double helix will represent them more not to get complicated? not to take you to a place where you have to be in puzzlement? but instead journey with me we've done things like this before.
I want you to take into this house when you open the door to the house what you're going to see is a long hallway.
and that hallway has many doors and the metaphor he's technique door using energy of DNA that is yours some of the doors stand open and some are closed, and as you walk into this place you're reminded you're name is all over it, this is you, it is the enter sanctum of quantum biology called the double helix.
and instead of mysterious chemistry that you would never be given to understand or quantum energies that you cannot even see it is a hallway with doors putting it into 3 D, so you can understand, what's coming.
the doorstep or closed our doors that you will be able to open eventually, and the fact that some of them or open already tells you a story, that DNA is already functioning at a certain way because the opened doors are the functioning parts the closed doors are the ones that are not functioning yet.
it also tells you that DNA as complete as it is dysfunctional, for only a few of the many doors are open in this existence on earth at this time.
and that is going to begin to change.
For in the next year's that are going to start opening those doors and it's not going to be chemistry it's not going to be nutrients and supplements it is going you awakening into a new reality because you were free of the old one it's going to happen intuitively as you walk out of the room as fast as you wish and is available to you and your life's path.
It will begin to show itself you'll know by how you feel, you'll know by your energy level and your thoughts, you'll know by the tone of your personality.
it's a hard one where does it center how to do that you've walked into this beautiful hallway it's beautiful, it's new it's always new, it's you I want you to see this hallways never aging because no matter what life time you have you carry this with you.
doesn't get all.
it's part of a a multi-dimensional system of foreverness, it goes beyond the human body, this consciousness in there, this memory in there, and there are many doors.
and you stand for a moment and you admire the beauty of the system, I want to tell you what are some of you might see the future because this time capsule is beginning to open.
so in this journey down the hallway let us look at the open doors first so that you'll understand what is before you.
the first open-door has a label on it and the label is chemical heredity.
and when you walk into a any of the room is represented by the door if you're going to find a storehouse of information you won't find processes in these rooms, you're going to find information.
they're not gonna find logic and reasoning in these rooms.
for the DNA is the store house, the control panel of all the other things in your body, and only a fraction of it we'll actually be doing anything interesting story the time capsule.
and the first door is wide open because this is the one that has been used for centuries and millenniums, it is the process of chemical inheritance, it's your parents in you, it was the genealogy is study, it's the chemistry of how one becomes another troopers, the parts of your parents that you inherit, whether it's their hair color, their high color, their skin color it's the chemistry, and it's a storehouse of a system that works that you are aware of in 3D and it stands wide open because this is part of DNA .
if chemicals that you have will be past your children and their children and the children of their children.
this is common scenes, it is known it's one of the doors, it stands wide open.
you come to the next door which is open, and it's a little more esoteric.
and it has a label on it that says a,,, media Akashic inheritance.
this represents the information of your immediate past lives that you carry into this one.
not the chemistry.
the Akash.
and so from one lifetime to another you carry pieces and portions of how you work.
and we've explained these things before because there are very high potentials that present themselves through your life that going writing to the Akashic record that represent themselves as creating passion and create a passion is one of the things that is inherited from one lifetime to another.
difficult to explain, dear ones, but it would explain why you would come out of your mother's world and you would have active use that your mother and father and never had.
sometimes your mom and dad would look at you and say where did the talent go that we thought we'd take them and they would look and find talent that never had and you do now where did this come from? immediate Akashic inheritance.
we have told you in the past that this comments from and organizational system called karmic grouping.
you meet your group. The ones, that you are meant to interface with on the planet, it's a system that is a beautiful and it helps synchronicity, even if you don't travel you may find it, Old souls eventually retracted Old souls, in this room there are some and this was a great opportunity You were that you realize that this is why you came, perhaps to look into the others greet a God in them with the must day and open a consciousness a discussion that's karmic, and they have the answers and you don't.
you even know what questions are immediate Akashic inheritance.
this is what creates artists who become artists who become artists.
that explains the child who can paint like the master when they rate musician who can compose monifives.
the poet who has the words coming even in some other languages as soon as they can speak it's almost like a continuation of a past life if the passion is great enough in most cases the passions are settled.
and some of you will find them once you get out of survival but they have nothing to do with your parents and everything to do with who you used to be.
they represent fears, phobias, strengths and weaknesses, personality types, some of whom will find themselves in a position a fear and weakness, where their parents or never ever in a situation of fear and weakness, for they'll be selfish short stepping right into for angels would never trade and their parents are going: who is that person? immediate Akashic inheritance, the doors wide open it's part of the system, dear ones.
now we're going to do something Now I tell you how many doors are open - three only three I'm gonna tell you what the third door is, and I’m going to ask you to close it, because you don't need it anymore.
if you see a DNA is like that, it responds to the energy that humanity has given to it.
and you've come from an old system, dear ones, is that needed an energy that no longer is needed.
And so you're gonna close the door.
then we're gonna invite you to open a couple of others and we're going to label them.
you come across the third door which is wide open and what it says is karma you walk in and their will of this information about on fulfilled energetic puzzles.
unfulfilled energetic puzzles, that's with karma is and you come into the planet and it lays there and it drives you often to do things that are mysterious.
unfinished business you know what karma is.
twenty three years ago even before the first book was written I told my partner that I would channel that humanity had to drop it, for this is an old driving system that would put you in certain places, that would create the wheels of a system that you no longer need.
karmic is like a life boat that has no killer, karma there is the waves that would push the lifeboat around with you in it.
pushing you to places that perhaps you should be to continue something he didn't finish before.
but in a new energy, dear ones, you have a life boat that has a tiller and a rudder and you're able to steer it yourself we've talked about before, so it's time to close the door of the energy of karma, I mean, close it, lock it and throw away the key.
you don't need it you just don't need it now some of you have already done that and I’ll tell you what the attribute is that in and how you know you've done it because if you've done that the karmic game that used to be played with you or your friends, your parents is over and they've had a reaction to it and you know you are.
and they look at you and they don't even want to think here in their family because you won't play the game with them anymore their lifeboats are pushed and pulled by the same energies that you work you're supposed to play this karmic game with them, when you close that door, it was over the drama stopped they expect things from you and you didn't give it to them.
you wouldn't go and do would be what they wanted you to do.
and you took the tolerance and steered away from them and you know who you are and you are one who was closed the door already and there are those listening to this right now who need to close the door if you don't close the door of karma you're not going to be able to steer your boat and that is a metaphor of you and your life's purpose and what you came for because once you can steer your own boat, my good old soul friend, you're gonna steer a peace on earth you're going to stare at the health, I haven't told you about the doors that you can open so let's open some more.
we closed one door open now or about the open closed ones in the first one we are gonna give you is that the door that barring bridge and we've told you about this before, this is a door that needs to be opened between the intelligent body and the conscious body, the corporeal body.
that knows about who it is and what's going on and that the conscious body that only pretends to it was even brought up earlier why do you muscle test have you ever thought about that? there is a missing bridge, dear ones, between your conscious awareness and the intelligence of the human body.
there needs to be the beginning of a construct that puts these together so you never have to muscle test again.
if something is growing in your body that's inappropriate you'll know it instead of having to wait months going to a doctor in discovering it as a surprise does it make sense to you that the corporeal body should be on another planet? and you have no idea what's going on, and that's the way it is right now, doesn't seem right to you? there is a door that is closed and has been since the Pleaidians were here and now get used to be open slowly and once your metaphorically seeds start to open this body bridge, will start giving you intuition about your own health.
your diets will start to change, and you know what they're going to change to, what you got used to, as another lifetime that may be chemically more appropriate for you, than the food you in You want to lose weight? open this door.
want lose weight - open this door.
for the body bridge is your talking to the back which is chemical you're talking to the Akashic record.
The intelligent body knows a lot more than you do.
When you open this door, DNA activates itself to start knowing what's inside that you needed to know Think that only medicine will tell you that only doctors will tell you totally their tests will tell you think you know intuitive a medical intuitive is a person was that door open, did you know that? this is what makes the difference and you have seen it, that's one, we give another one.
here's one that is lays there in the dark and you don't even know what exists, but we're gonna call at the door of self balance I want you to open it.
this one is can allow the old soul to always return to a center no matter what happens to them.
without help.
without question.
whether they're going to fear? They always know their return to the center centeredness were all is well, a centeredness that sees the joy of the creative god, a centeredness that knows about Gaia, a centeredness that knows the peace and that is available no matter what is happening around them something that will be automatically yours why do you need this? I’ll tell you because many even old souls just wait on both sides and they never nowhere center is and one of the frustrations that you have an even some of you sitting in the room who I am, what am I going, why do I feel this way if you have the door open of self centering you are your own guru.
the connection is complete and you know where center is and you search for it if you're in trouble if you're in fear you come back to the middle you don't stay in the hole you don't stay in frustration you don't stay in word you come right back that's the second door.
it's time to start opening the third door which is that Akashicness that you have which is not immediate but that has old soul energy with in it, this is the door wisdom.
if you can't open that door now you have teams available to you that we have talked about for two years where you can mind the Akashic that is to say you're going to go in and start to recognize what you have already earned through life time years and years and years of walking in another body do you think that's just went away years and years of wisdom perhaps has an indigenous on the planet knowing how things work I think I’ll just went away it is in that room, dear ones, and it's time to open the door.
you become your own ancestor.
self balance and Akashic mining together create a balanced human being.
people will see God in You, no wonder what you've got don't tell them that you open doors and so we're going to do - three doors.
now you have five open and one calls the five is change this hallway, dear ones, is filled with much more it's filled with long life when we get there one of the doors I don't want you to open just yet is beautiful how we're gonna define it now and it's called stamp self blueprint it changes the way your body rejuvenate itself Your body rejuvenation self at the moment making copies of ourselves.
when this door begins to be opened gradually it'll start making originals not copies It'll going to get the blueprint and make yourself from it and these will be to secret a long life.
Dear humans, this is coming, it will come.
you've gotta get through a couple of years you've got to get used to this new energy, you've gotta try out the easy door - and you gave it.
in order to learn to open some of the others it is the beginning of innocent human being you've got divine DNA, we said it before it's like you got a race car inside and you're driving you know what I mean it's all there time capsule is available.
and this is the energy of it These are things of Kryon which open these doors for yourself and begin processes digit didn't think you had you don't solving the problems of the old energy, they will solve themselves you're going to be starting to work on those things that are new but right now right now we say just breeze and take a little vocation and wait for the crazies to get over wait for the year the full moon to pass, and allow this time to take stock of the love of god in you look at in the mirror and loved yourselves, this is the exercise and be patient.
and so it is again, I give you the same words that I had before: the toolkit remains the toolkit and will for some time.
there is no clock on how long these things will take and humans will make the difference.
how fast the old energy morphs into the new, how quickly those who are invested in the old energy give up, and understand that there is no hope to return to a lesser where stating and that is the truth of the day loved by god, each of you, known by God, all of you, old soul, you're here for a reason, in the body you in, in a condition it's in, in your age you are, you're gonna make a difference on the planet some of you already have your existence here is know it.
And so it is.