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Добавлено: 26 мар 2013 00:56
Крайон Лиссабон Португалия


Добавлено: 05 апр 2013 00:06
Лиссабон Португалия

Greetings, dear ones, I'm Kryon of magnetic service.
the portal of my partners higher self opens.
The corporeal part of him shifts, it's a difficult thing to describe.
there are those who would asked where is he now the answers he is still here
all that is the and him stands beside channeling is not a takeover channeling is a melt
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he takes all but the human being is already and combines it with the sacred part that is multi-dimensional
at the human being then expand to allow for this that you see human beings love to linearized everything they want to put things in boxes.
they want to have my partner leaving and going into a boxing Kryon coming in
it doesn't honor the human.
there are healers here and they will tell you the same thing
that basically they are channeling and that when they stand in front of one
who needs the healing that part of them expands and in the expansion they get messages message
they know what to do and it is the same
and so what is there is still there intellect
their emotions, their personality
all that is in them
and added to that is the portal at the higher self which you
you know this is very available
this process has many faces
everyone in the room, old soul, is able to do this
not necessarily sit on a stage in front of people
that is a light's pass
I’m speaking of opening the portal and letting you expand
and what would happen if you do that?
and the answer is perhaps solution
perhaps healing perhaps answers
that you are been looking for them
there is no problem in the room
that's unsolvable and so many have come
asking the same thing
how can I do this , how can I do that.
right now would be a great time
to have a healing session.
Kryon entourage in the room, you are surrounded by old souls of light mines.
in this moment, I want you to pretend that you know the names of everyone here
and that I want to tell you that honestly you don't have to pretend
if I could ask expand your awareness for just a moment you'd know all the names for they are your family
known to you the ones who have come from other countries they are your family
known to you companies
it is unbelievable,
that's your last brat when you come home
that you will know the names of true names,
they are all of your family
all par of you, all rejoicing
and your beauty
and that's the truth
difficult for a linear human being
to think this way
so we will restricted just to the room
I want you intuitively to know everyone here
I want you to
broadcast the compassion you would have for your neighbor here
I want you to
pretend that your arms biggest the room
and you could all
intertwine them altogether
and we would have been room hug
and for one reason, just for just a moment
to imbue into this group
healing energy that you came for and may even change your DNA
it may even rewrite the portions that you think you cannot rewrite
where there are many old souls, there is parlor
if you want to combine your intent to work with those who need it in the room
chronicles seasons including mister some even if you don't know their names in 3D
you will change the reality in this place
will you do that with me right now she says he's cleavage here that? before we
start this brief message
just for a while, just for a moment
let us begins
what does the love of god look like a vision, a beautiful velvet green
comes close to three individuals in will descend upon the room
which is the intent of every old soul here
and has the ability
to heal everyone attaches based upon
their life's path and their permission
based upon where they are into scheme of spirituality
let us begin here, dear ones,
live differently than you can
opened this magnificent door that some have called miracle,
and we call the love of family, and start understanding what you can do together
what are you think?
can you fell it?
is it attaching you?
your entourage reaches its hand into the group, committee that is a man one collective large hand and touches the cellular structure
brings peace to this soul
perhaps the healing is about worry
that you could leave this place peaceful
and say; "It is well with me!"
in this brief moment I wish take you on a journey and I want you to hear this in your language
it is not anything we really have done before
so this is unique and original
I would like to talk about the recalibration of human nature
there's a shift going on this planet
everything has a opportunity to change, a slow change
so that makes sense using spiritual logic which we'll explain
those things which make sense to you spiritually
device please on the inside that are logically
their spiritually will then push you forward into new belief and new ways
this is the new human who would not have to trust completely in things unseen
but instead will gain back which we call spiritual logic to know what to do next
there are those who would say that those two names do not go together spiritual and logic.
to words that seems to be absurd
and that is part of the new human that to be, old soul, the next step will appear logical
I answer to you, why.
because you're about to rearrange the house of human nature
we're going to take you here into a house,in bit depths of your imagination we create a metaphor
and we do this for reason because it helps you to remember
it makes it simple
you think these things are filled with numerology, and you could analyze what how about to say later
and get new means
even past to ones I give you today
human nature, how do you define that?
this is what humans are predisposed to do to be and act like
human nature and it's about to be recalibrated
is it possible, that's something that you have been told is forever can change
the answer is yes
in almost every department on the planet, almost every subject we're talking about, the magnetics
of your planet is changing, it effects everything to compel the fact that this is as close the oceans of your planet are changing
the weather is changing if you did know it
it is a recalculation of all things the development of kinds of life
that you haven't seen before , even foods you have not seen before
all things are starting to change.
human nature will be one of them.
to way you think
so I want to take you into what I’m going to be calling the house of human nature
see as your house
but as you walk into , you will recognize it
a circular room with seven doors
now I’m going to explain the metaphor
and what you're going to see about the doors and what it means.
For I wish to identify in this particular channel
seven doors and seven rooms in the house of human nature
it this will be the new humans have, it will be the old souls.
now there are many more doors than seven, but the house will change
with each lesson
today's lesson
seven doors
I go to tell you what they are in a moment
but let us look at the metaphor
there are two things about each room
- is it open or is it closed?
if it's open, it means that the room is available
the next metaphor
is the light on in the room or not?
if the light is on in the room
that means it is active and being used,
if the light is off , it means the room
is perhaps available if the doors open, but it's not being used
so using these rules of the metaphor
we explore seven rooms of the new human, human nature
the first door
we're going to be calling survival
and the door is open
in fact there is no door
never has been , there aren't even any hinges
for this is pace of human nature
in the room you'll find that the light is on
and that means that you are always in survival mode
and you know it.
now they would be psychologists who would say: this room will always be this way , it cannot be touched, for
if you were to close the door you wouldn't survive
and they are right.
For we're going to make a suggestion I want you to turn off the light,
now here's what this means?
that the door of survival was always there.
the room is always open but when you turn off the light
it means that you're not always actively in it,
it means that you could turn on the light anytime you wish but at the latest on with your part is always in it.
if the light is on,
it means that everywhere you go and everything you do survival will be the first
thing you think about
and that's about to change.
when you turn off the light,
doesn't mean you're out of survival
it means that it is available
but it's no longer your focus.
the new human does not need to have light on in the survival room
my mom says that there was a says in the south of the citizens here
turning the lights on in the survival room says if you are worried
always planning for the future, always looking ahead
in 3D
means you got things figured out
means what's gonna happen and you hope to do
and you are set to go
to what happens when you turn off light,
I'll tell you.
this is the new human who says
my survival is going to be created by synchronicity that I don't know about it.
about things that I have and seen in it, my soul is invisible, it is quantable and i don't know what it is, God does, and it will be better than anything that I can make this is a new human thinking out of three dimensions and not be afraid to turn off the light.
now door number two
door number two
is labeled ego, the door is open
and the light is on
Do I have to explain this.
that this doors are into aliased
I am compartment aliasing them to you
a making it simple
and it's not
many times
the ego room
is promptly connected to the survival room
and requires a strong ego to survive
I want to ask you questions
named the masters in history
who's ego test?
which ones of those stood up and pounded their chests
and said look at me
and the answer is: none of them.
so that I tell you something
and you already know it:
that these are rudimentary elementary emotions
and survival instincts
and you can turn a light off.
that light's been burning in a long time
dissolution of the evidence dean brown
you could use the ego
you don't have to have a on all the time
you could stand up for what you believe and who you are
and you don't have to have a light on to do that,
you know why
because the things that are you
are not in the room,
things that are you belong to the creator
the compassion of god
is not in the ego.
the compassion of God
it's not in the survival room
the compassion of God
believe somewhere else completely
it doesn't live in human nature
it lives in the God nature
it's in every room
and yet in another one,
it's not in 3D
it can permeate you so completely
it doesn't even have a door.
and that could become the part of you you think is ego,
not human old ego
but a countinents
that is proud, you are part of the creator
that you
that allows you to carrier head up high if you walk
say: "Thank you, God, that I am part of the Sky
three than field
and the systems,
of solar system.
that my light is intertwine with the energy
of all these things.
that's the new human.
to see what's happening here convene the extent concede - for asking you to rearrange
taking many of them out of the 3D that you begin
that reality that says: you are the only thing that could work with you
and understanding that is so much more.
the third door
is called intellect and emotion
it is open
That means it's available,
and the light is on, I want you to keep it on
simply muscle is this is what you keep this room just like it is
intellect and emotion would seemed to be competing energies
they are not
their energies that need to be balanced.
you cannot use spiritual logic without a keen intellect
you can feel the love of god without a strong emotion
there is appropriateness in the weeping of love,
there is appropriateness in the intellectual examination spiritual and logic
looking at the past, look at what the master said
researching the things you need to see to find that you need to find,
intellect, emotions
put another light bulb in there
this is tools of new human
believe it or not, there is actually structure a multi-dimensional things
it may not be three-dimensional structure, the very structure
it may not be linear to you, but there is still structure, and intellect and emotions will discovery , this is spiritual and logic, you stand for the love of God, believe in what you believe, knowing fully that it makes sense
not the truth trusting in your seings
no, you see the structure, for first time the new human can depend on the multi-dimensional thing
and taking sense and feel and know intuiting is part of this
for the intellect and the emotions are part of two parts
And intuition then speaks to you
which is the messages from a multi-dimension God
giving your directions to turn on the light
this is an important room
keep the door opened , keep the light on
door number four is self-worth
and the door is
open, always been open
but the light is turn off
they start up again
that means it's accessible but in the dark,
the old human
doesn't use it.
many out the humans of old energy are even
unaware of the door.
and you know why -
because the all energy spirituality
has told you for centuries
that you are unworthy as a human being
some of the systems tell you: you are born dirty
and do not have a chance.
some had told you
that there is not a God, that you'd ever look at this.
can you believe that?
the light is off
the new human is going to walk into that room and
turn light on
so forth
if you were a piece of caught walking on this planet,
and the creator of every self
it makes you worthy.
you're on purpose, over and over and over
on purpose,
you are doing this time as part of the system on purpose,
more than worthy
revealed by God for your work
love by trillion for what's been truth
more than worthy
turn on light, stand a little taller, when you walked out of here
everybody tells you are appointed to suffer,
don't argue with this,
just walk away
let them suffer they wish - it is not your
reality, anymore.
don't let anybody tell you came to be sick, that it was
in your contract,
that isn't your contract, it not a human alight with born to be thick.
Can you do that?
Can you see the magnificence of God in you?
Oh, we said it before
Can you go to the little room and look at the mirror?
and open your eyes and look and say: "I'm worth to be a human
and mean it?
this is the new human being
is that ego?
No, it's reality
worthy to be here, to work the issue of the
vibration of the planet earth
that was before
number five itself
this particular door
has been close
and it is one that can
be opened by some?
and others having trouble with it.
now it's not closed for all humanity.
self-awareness is something that the old soul has opened the door,
sometimes the doors only open partially, there just be coming aware
of what really might be inside, but they can't see it because the light's off
it is not being used
not really
self-awareness, lets define it.
self-awareness is that part of you
the three D part
who has full awareness of the multi-dimensional part,
this is the bridge
this is the one that says
"I'm a part of God, I'm aware of my place
in the Universe.
it has many levels, dear ones, I will not simplify it,
in that room there are many compartments
and your life lesson will tell me whether you're even open the door, how you've gotten in that room
the old soul, I going to give you instructions for that
room right now
I want you to take the door off
I want you turn on a light
this is the bridge
when my partner made his decision to channel
he yet opened this door.
it was not a door he had ever opened, ever
And it took him for years to open it.
he opened a few times and then slammed it shut.
it frightened him.
that there could be more of him that he knew about .
you know what self-awareness does in that room?
when you turn on the light,
you'll aware of your Akashic records.
It may not the lifetimes but you know you've been here.
Certainly you are aware of bigger self, an enormous self .
and painted on the walls in that room is a phrase
and the phrase is this
"I've been here forever!"
and it means just that
- you always were and always will be
right now your human on planet earth
with the name that is on your passport.
so much more
this room deserves to be opened
light should be on
Invitation is to discover who you are
Suddenly this is integrated with spiritual and logic,
and room number three
so here you have
five and
three related. There don't miss this.
that's innate.
and in numerological
terms that is manifestation, you getting this?
intellect, emotion,
spiritual logic, lets you manifest
the things in your life that you came for
you can not do it without self-awareness
is two more doors.
these doors, these next two doors,
the doors closed and there this happened
the new human is about open one of them.
No right now,
but it's coming.
And it is door you don't even know is there,
because it's not part of your reality, but it's
always been there.
and it's a beautiful door and it has many secrets.
the name of the door use innate.
it is number six and another name for it is
body intelligence
we've covered this before.
are you aware and you are,
that's something in your body knows more that your brain does?
as intellectual as you believe you can be
you still don't know what's going on inside, you are blind .
as a higher consciousness is that you claim to be
I still don't know what's going on.
And because you don't know that,
you used methods
in order to discover it.
one method is kinesiology
it's been called muscle testing kinestiology
this is asking your body what's going on in your body
Isn't it odd that you have to ask your body?
what's going on in your body?
the other method is going to the doctor
getting the tests
and the doctor may tell you what they're something growing in there you should
know about.
human being, don't you find it odd,
that your consciousness doesn't know that
did you know that it's completely and totally separate at this moment?
you see when DNA only operates a thirty percent or so,
there are certain doors that should be open, that
must be.
and this is one.
the bridge between human consciousness and the intelligent body
is innate.
this is the bridge
it is start to be opened
have you ever heard of a medical intuitive?
these are human beings who could look at you
and see innate
Odd, they have a gift they can see into your room number six and you can't!
it speaks to them
you seen this
They ca stand and tell you
what your body is talking about
but deficiencies you have
what's wrong with it?
what it means?
they're looking at room six
here we want you to do
I want you to visualize opening the door
keep the light off
keep the light off
I want you to visualize opening the door
this is a signal to your body
did you want to start building this bridge
it is not ready yet to have a light on
because vibration of this planet has to increase even more for that'd happen.
The old energy has to go away or reconstruct itself or die.
see that your planet now is for it
have to start developing
these eighteen-year window we speak up
has to progress a bit more
Then some of you're going to start to see it.
There be a knowing, intuitiveness, that's something it's happening within your body,
if you get a check and you'll find it's true , you know the bridge is being built
There come a day when the bridge is built
human beings will know what they're allergic to intuitively,
They will know the deficiencies
They'll know they have high blood pressure
They'll know right away without instruments, without help
and know what to do about it
And it's going create your life spats. That's all part of DNA
operating more efficiently than just now
we are at door seven
and with this when we close
you still looking at my school
I can't tell you whether the doors open or not, as it is A-door here
it's a very strange-looking door
you can see through it
I mean it is not 3D,
some another even sure if it's there
perhaps if you believe it stairs there
if you don't it's not there
and the name of door
it's called the God-self
it is called the higher self
it is called the God within
it's called the I am
it is a portal, that I'm talking through right
now to my partner
it's straight
end connects you to the other side of the veil
and it is multi-dimensional
there's no light
because there's no room
there's no physical room, you open that door, you're everywhere at the same time
it is not the door death
it is door of life
i want to tell you something, some of you will understand, and some of you will not.
there are those who are here right now you cannot see
they've represent your seed biology,
Not can I name of you, not if you know they are already
and they have DNA
it is looks a lot like yours
because they gave you part of it,
and what allows it to be here is the fact door
there's is wide open
number 7.
they're aware of the creator within.
it's given them quantum knowledge of the galaxy
and they are still corporeal
you know what that is? that's a sentient status, now, a lot of you don't know what you said: it is OK
so let me just summarize
door number seven
is one that will eventually open
if humanity stays on the course of that it is decided,
it'll take a long time,
it is OK
but individually one-by-one
humans can opened the door briefly
they can feel the God inside, they can channel.
they can do what you see here
not all the time, not twenty four-hours-a-day
pretty and
but just long enough
to reach in and take the hand of the creator
and absolutely know who they are
all the doors flyway to open
lights will turn on and off if they need it
it's called balance
this is the new human
slowly it happen
this is what we teach
this is what we want for you, I want only talk about the heeling that are occurring in the room,
there are a few were starting to understand these things
and I'm facing them now
I want this moment to be something special
I want you feel as yourself in the structure.
so she'll tell the reality
of corporeal changing you in 3D right
now, because you have courage to open one of these doors.
what do you think about the esoteric here, dear ones?
something that you can believe when you live this place?
I want you take this entourage home with you
because you can.
that all set in your Akash.
because I'm getting aside you
this is how the love of God works
it's personal
you're family
you one group, you're one,
how can I explain that?
as you intertwined the arms
you are melting to one for a moment, just for a moment
here like the peace of god you came from
how time when you take your last breath?
And you'll know:
I'm right.
Had you remember it all?
it'll be a good time
to feel it because you are coming right that
this is a beautiful system for you
Thank you, old soul,
for the trouble,
if you've got some
the difficulty, you got this.
except the light that is being turned on
And so it is.