Говорит Адаму. Часть 1. Вступление

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Зарегистрирован: 21 мар 2012 21:59

Говорит Адаму. Часть 1. Вступление

Сообщение stalkerb »

Говорит Адаму.

Часть 1.


http://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/09/05/a ... roduction/
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Привет вам, мои друзья.

Я Адаму монадической Сущности Плеядеянской цивилизации. Многие спрашивают, что это значит: монадическая Сущность Плеядеанской цивилизации. Я бы по этому поводу хотел воспользоваться моментом, чтобы объяснить в кратких и простых терминах. Вот что это:

С высшей точки зрения существует ряд великих духовных существ массивного сложности, что вместе имеют совместное созданных всю эту вселенную [Элохим?]. Вместе они выразили себя в всех многочисленных уровнях измерений, которые составляют эту вселенную. Каждый из них является монадическая лицо, и я говорю для одного такого.

С высшей точки зрения существует ряд великих духовных существ массивной сложности, которые вместе и создали всю эту вселенную [Элохим?]. Вместе они выразили себя во всех тех многочисленных уровнях-измерениях, которые и составляют эту вселенную. Каждый из них является монадической сущностью, и я говорю от имени одной из них.

Мы присутствуем на каждом уровне этой вселенной, включая 3-е измерение, где вы в данный момент находитесь. И действительно такие есть люди на планете Земля прямо сейчас, кто духовно является семенами звездного посева из семейства Плеяд. Они, будучи воплощением мысли и мечты монадической сущности, вряд ли знают об этом и, если и знают, вряд ли имеют много полезных воспоминаний в этом вопросе. Это потому, что все, кто входит в третью плотность, оказываются под глубоким покровом забывчивости. Но это уже другая тема.

Пока все, что я хочу сказать, что есть плеядеанские души среди вас. Многие из тех, кто прослушивает или читает это сообщение, сами окажутся из их числа. И с одной точки зрения каждый будет чувствовать себя как целое и завершенное существо. И это будет истинно. С определенной точки зрения они целы и завершенные. Но внутри каждого существа есть связь с большим существом... внутренним «я», которое осознает себя как имеющего много воплощений.

Многие из них не на планете Земля. Многие из них в звездном скоплении, которое мы называем дом: Плеяды. И эти внутренние-«Я» также осознают, что они являются частью чего-то еще большего – сверхдуши, которая знает, что все такие воплощения в пространстве и времени -действительно всего лишь плод воображения ... иллюзорные истории, которые она рассказывает самой себе для того, чтобы понять себя лучше.

И эти сверхдуши знают, что они являются частью чего еще более ... монадической сущности, которой стало известно, что она полностью вне пространства и времени, и что она выражает себя в реальности бесчисленных конструкций..., что эта вселенная является лишь одним из бесконечное число площадок, где она играет. И это, в кратчайший терминах, то, чем Монадическая Сущность Плеядеанской цивилизации и является.

Я, Адаму, являюсь создание данной Сущности. Я видел воплощенную жизнь на самых ранних днях этой вселенной, когда она была еще совсем молодой на планете в системе Лиры. Это планета была разрушена очень, очень давно, и ничего, кроме пыли от нее не осталось сейчас. Но это тоже история для другого раза.

Дело в том, что я проживал воплощённую жизнь тогда. Но в те времена мы не жили, как и вы сейчас. Мы не перевоплощались. Мы могли воплотиться один раз и жили очень, очень долгое время. Мы жили тысячи ваших лет. С возрастом мы приобретали свет и мудрость. В одной жизни мы вышли глубоко из плотности так, что буквально вознеслись обратно в свет Единства нашего бытия. И это я в конце концов тоже сделал. Я жил воплощённую жизнь, а затем я вернулся к Единству монадической сущности.

А теперь я обращаюсь к вам с этой точки зрения. С точки зрения существа с единым сознанием, которое является полным, цельным и суверенным. Существо, которое создало в пределах своего собственного разума все души, которые придут в Плеядеанскую цивилизацию.

Так что есть многочисленные монадические сущности, выраженные здесь в этой реальности. Многие из них присутствуют на Земле. И многие на земле выражены как души человеческие. Вы можете быть Плеядеанцами, но вы могли бы также происходить от любого другого ряда различных монадических существ. Есть некоторые такие, которые являются столь же массивные, как мы.

А еще есть такие, как собственно сама сущность молодого Зингдада, которые была проявлена только в считанной горсти воплощений. Каждое уникально, и у каждого есть своя ценность, есть что добавить. И все, в конечном итоге, исходит из того же неизмеримо большего единства, которое является истинным источником Всего Сущего.

И вот поэтому я знаю: независимо от того, кто вы есть, и независимо от того, каково ваше духовное наследие и история, на самом деле, вы и я едины. Вы часть меня, которая переживает свою жизнь, и я часть вас, которая выражается с точки зрения Плеядеанской Монады.

Итак, так много информации и мудрости мы собрали, которыми я хотел бы поделиться с вами. Именно любовь заставляет меня сделать это. Именно любовь для всего человечества, как часть меня, в настоящее время занимается в очень трудной, сложной и запутанной игре. Сны, которые вы видите, и история, которую вы говорите себе, - именно о трансформации себя из темноты в свет. И таким образом, это время больших перемен в вашей планетарной пространственно/временной взаимосвязи.

"Время ускоряется," вы точно слышали такие слова. На самом деле это означает, что изменения происходят со все возрастающей скоростью. Новинка ... новизна ... ускоряется. Новые мысли о старых ситуаций теперь возможны таким образом, как они просто не были возможны прежде. И новые выборы - это то, что вы будете делать с ранее невообразимой скоростью. Это потому, что это не просто время перемен, но время вознесения. Ваша душа зовет вас Домой.

Но этот процесс возвращения Домой не без подводных камней. Многие части «Я» нашли временные иллюзорные выгоды в своем глубоком разделении. Их эго стали пропитываться удовлетворением от земных богатств и власти, и они просто опьянены всем этим. Они полюбили тьму разделения. Они, по сути, стали агентами углублением разделения.

И это не их вина, они просто играли свою роль. Но теперь, по мере того как происходит изменение, они работают так, чтобы противостоять этому изменению. И, учитывая то, что они держат бразды временной власти на Земле, это означает, что они, определенно, могут очень сильно усложнить всем жизнь. И если вы готовы танцевать под их дудку, они могут это сделать и для вас.

Так что это сложное время. Время для тщательно вымеренных шагов в самую середину изменений. Для многих это не будет легко сделать. И именно поэтому я и желаю вам помочь. Я служу в качестве одной из многих акушерок, которые помогают рождению вашей планетарной цивилизации от тьмы к свету. В качестве одной части этой службы, я начинаю новый процесс обращения к вам посредством моего юного друга Зингдада.

Я буду предлагать вам серию коротких записанных чатов, а также писать с ним гораздо более глубокую серию сообщений. Некоторая информация может быть представлена в ​​лаконичной и легкой форме, в то время как другая часть ее потребует гораздо больше слов, чтобы объяснить в деталях.

Я приглашаю вас пройти со мной в этой поездке открытия, которую я буду организовывать через Зингдада. Я думаю, что вы точно обнаружите, что то, чем я делюсь с вами, будет как поучительным, так и наполнит вас силой. Это будет, в конце концов, всё о вас и вашем вознесении. Это будет включать в себя дискуссии о создании реальности и особенно совместном создании реальности, в которой вы как раз и пожелаете жить. Реальности, в которой вы сможете воссоединиться вновь со своей звездной семьей из Плеяд и из других мест.

Я люблю вас сердцем единства.

Я Адаму монадической Сущности Плеядеанской цивилизации.

видео на англ

Подробнее об Адаму см. две переведенные статьи о раскрытии
http://galacticchannelings.com/ruski/zi ... 03-12.html
http://galacticchannelings.com/ruski/zi ... 03-12.html
и видео
Последний раз редактировалось stalkerb 09 сен 2014 12:13, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
Сообщения: 683
Зарегистрирован: 21 мар 2012 21:59

Re: Говорит Адаму. Часть 1. Вступление

Сообщение stalkerb »

Первый том "Бумаг вознесения" Зингдада можно скачать на английском
Сообщения: 683
Зарегистрирован: 21 мар 2012 21:59

Re: Говорит Адаму. Часть 1. Вступление

Сообщение stalkerb »

Первые две главы из второго тома "Бумаг вознесения" Зингдада на английском
Вступление Зингдада о себе и своих прошлых жизнях на англ:
Скрытый текст:
I was told as a child that it is polite, when one enters a room, to introduce yourself properly. And seeing as I am one for extremes I would like to introduce myself EXTREMELY properly! :-) If you are interested and would like to while away a little of your time with me then I would be honoured to tell you my tale. Perhaps, also, if you read some of my other words, thoughts and channellings which I will be sharing here from time to time then you might know the context because you'll know a little more of me.

I have spent a lot of energy in trying to work out exactly who I am and why I am here so the story that follows is quite long. I have derived this information by channelling, meditation, hypnosis, auto-hypnosis and also through a couple of conversations with my lady-love’s "higher-self" whilst she was in a trance state. My story is subject to change as I discover more about myself, but in the mean time here it is: the interim working model of who I am, how I came to be here and why I am here now.

For the purposes of this narrative I will start my story with a council meeting of the group of Light-Beings that created this reality. They were discussing how this reality we inhabit would come to a close so that a new reality could take its place. Sort of like one game coming to an end so that another can be played on the same game-board. The way these games are played is that each Light-Being will hold a particular resonance and will be responsible for a particular role. Each of the Light-Beings decided how they would play their role for every part of the game. The current game in question is quite an interesting one. It is a game where some of these Light Ones had created many manifestations (also called incarnations) that had been able to experience “individuality”. This was a radical thing as players inside the game actually had to forget that they are all ONE. They forgot their own eternal, immortal nature. Nowhere in All That Is had such a thing been done before. In order to give the game direction the concept of “duality” had been set into place. In the absence of the knowledge of their own divine purpose, players needed something else to give them a sense of direction. Rivalry and conflict were decided upon. There would be two main “camps” as defined by who the player would serve. On the one side would be those that serve others and on the other side would be those that serve themselves. And so the game played out with fragments of the Light Ones having incarnations in the system and experiencing the ecstasies and the miseries of the system, in so doing discovering who they really are from a position of absolute forgetfulness. It was a marvellous, amazing, grand experiment in consciousness and the rewards were phenomenal but now the time had come to bring the whole game to a close. But it was perceived that there would be some considerable difficulty ending the game. Can you see the problem? In order for the game to work all the players would have to forget that they are players. They would very often engage with feelings of hatred and anger or love and need towards each other. This would compel them to bury themselves in the game. How then do you end the game? Their free will cannot simply be breached and the game ended! This would cause them profound trauma and would upset two of the most fundamental rules of creation: free will and cause-and-effect. So ending the game would have to be done carefully and with some delicacy. The only way to do it would be for each and every manifestation to awaken to the fact that they are in fact immortal beings of light simply experiencing an illusory, transient reality. They would each have to choose to leave the game voluntarily. Each of the Light Beings then put their plans in place for this successful ending of the game.

It is not mine to know what all of the Light Beings decided. I know only a little of what one of those Light Beings did. I will draw your attention to this one Light Being... Though names of no use to such beings they are of some use to us so we shall call this being Joy-Divine or J-D for short. J-D held some positions and responsibilities in the game but had not manifest itself into the game as others had – It had not incarnated a fragment of itself. Instead It had fulfilled functions that allowed the game to be played (such as being the holder of the frequency which is the range of all emotions called “joy”, amongst many other things). But now, to bring the game to a close, Joy-Divine decided it was time to introduce a manifestation. From within its own being it created a being which may be called Delight. Delight would be that which carried the light of Joy-Divine into the densest depths of the game. Delight would in fact be the incarnating portion of J-D...

And that, you may by now realise, is ME. And the very first memory I have of me is when I first became slowly conscious of “selfness” whilst held cradled inside the being of Joy-Divine. I knew only Oneness and belonging. Infinite love was my sustenance. The deepest bliss was my every experience. Slowly my consciousness rose out of this slumbering joy and I began to think and question. As I became aware of my own identity I conceived the thought:
“Here I am. What am I?”.
And with infinite love and gentleness J-D began to answer. In one way, this lifetime and all my experiences is a small part of the infinite, unending answering of that question. For by living and BE-ing I am discovering myself, who and what I am. You see Light Beings don’t communicate in thoughts and words as we do. This whole universe is really a conversation… a communication… these beings expressing themselves. And as I am here discovering who I really am… it is also Joy-Divine engaged in the act of telling Delight the answer to the question “what am I?”. It’s an amazing thing, really. And maybe it is thus for you too? Maybe you too are that which is busy answering the question “what am I?”. I think this is so, don’t you?

But now to the question of why Delight is here. For beings to move forward they must conceive of a purpose for themselves. Delight has the purpose of being “an Interventionist”. What exactly "an Interventionist" is, is a long story that I shall tell on another occasion - for now kindly accept that it is a being that travels around assisting others when they become stuck in the creations of their own reality. And so Delight would help here in the work of the ending of this reality in a... well... a delightful way, really. :-) Delight would help to release those that are stuck here due to what they have created in their lives. But you know you can’t help a friend with their pain if you don’t understand what they are going through. So before Delight could help, I had to immerse myself in this reality completely. I had to incarnate and then find myself and awaken and ascend back out of the system. Only then would I have sufficient understanding to really help and do what I came to do.

So the first thing I actually remember “doing” is beginning to descend into this system. What a shock! I began to fall from the light into the darkness of density. I fell and fell. And then I realised I could no longer feel my connection with the Oneness! I was lost in the cold of desperate aloneness. My vision began to shrink – I could no longer see what all the results of my actions would be! I no longer knew that everything was perfection. There was so much I suddenly couldn't know. As I conceived of the fact that I didn’t KNOW what would happen an entirely new experience gripped my heart – FEAR! "If I don’t know what will come next how could I know I would be okay?" I couldn’t! I felt the black robes of the Veil of Unknowing and they felt like icy claws shredding my heart. This was agony! And I fell and I fell. And then... then there were moments of oblivion... of forgetting both the bliss of what came before and the pain of the falling. Blessed forgetfulness. I began to forget it all and look through blurred eyes upon a new world. My first incarnation had begun…

My first lifetime was, I believe, on a planet in the star system called “Lyra”. It is called this after the musical instrument, the Lyre, which is a sort of a harp and that is a useful analogy for the way in which life was created there. Many beings had their first incarnation there. Incarnations were much less dense than here. Bodies were far more subtle than these that we inhabit now. A tonal vibration in the light was what allowed bodies to manifest (rather than the traumatic gestation process we use here) – hence the “harp” analogy. But before I digress further, let me tell you about life in Lyra. It was a place of love and gentleness where they use joy as a vehicle for teaching. The people there were fair of skin and hair with blue eyes. I still bear those features now out of a sense of identification with them. A bit like a club badge, I guess :-) These were a graceful and vital people with a full understanding of Body and so they treated their bodies with great respect and lived to incredibly great ages. In fact they did not age as we do at all! As a young one gained age and experience it would become wiser and more powerful in the ways of spirit. It would gain a brightness. It’s aura would begin to glow. Ones of great age could immediately be seen by the great glow of their aura. And then, when they had done what they came for, they simply turned their bodies into light and left for subtler realms of spirit. A wonderful thing to see.
The Lyrans lived in absolute harmony with the land. They did not think of plants and animals and the planet as something to use and consume – no, they knew that they were One with these. The land was respected as their own mother. If a plant or animal was required to sacrifice its body for something that was needed for the people then it was respectfully asked for that sacrifice. If permission was given then the ending of the life was done with great reverence, respect and appreciation. Life there was truly a great, harmonious partnership between all parts. Each worked always for the greater good of the All.
My clearest memory of my life in Lyra is of me standing looking over a moon-lit ocean with a being called Adamu. Though not my father he had been the one that had raised me. It was there custom there that the elders raised the children. Only the wisest and most balanced were allowed to mould young minds. My dear Adamu was a wonderful being... a was a wise and respected elder. He was a powerfully built, leonine man with a flowing reddish beard, sapphire eyes and the brightest auric glow. In this memory he was sitting opposite me, his usually laughing eyes now very serious. He was explaining to me that I was not to remain with them... not to age as they do. He was pointing to the stars and telling me that my destiny lay "out there". He skipped a stone across the still, moonlit ocean as a metaphor for how I must hop across many other planes in my coming progression: not stay in one place. I was crying. I didn't want to go (this meant me dying) and he of course didn't want me to go either as he loved me. But this was my destiny. He said something like "soon enough you will be on your way and you'll have forgotten us".
I said "never! I'll never forget you. I'll remember this moment forever".
And I have.
I will always love the people of Lyra. They gave me my first life, my grounding. I had known SUCH unconditional love amongst them, I had known true belonging, I had a place "to come from", and even though I would always be a wanderer, I would always have had a HOME.

And I remembered Adamu too. In this life I have reconnected with him and quite often channel him when I need his guidance and advice. Or simply his company. I would wish for everyone a father figure as sublime as my dear Adamu.

I left that life then in what was deemed the acceptable way for those beings that did not ascend bodily: I walked into the ocean until I was chest deep in the moonlit water. I then lifted my spirit out of my body and severed my connection to it. My body fell back into the waters, the waves closing over it. The ocean took care of the cleansing and nothing was left for the people to take care of. And then I was gone...

Life number 2 was my life as a soldier. I lived on a small planet with other soldiers. Things were very different to what they are here on earth. We were not, for example, able to reproduce. Our bodies were created to be soldiers bodies, not to make children. So we remained sexually immature our whole lives using our sex organs for pleasure and bonding. And I think there were also more than two genders but upon that point I am confused. Anyway, the other soldiers who were with me were my everything: they were my friends, my lovers, the only family I had known. A set-up that seems very peculiar to me now in this life but was completely natural in that life. We were happy after our own fashion and there was a great sense of belonging.
I piloted some kind of an armoured vehicle. I was engaged in the defence of the planetary mining operation. I can't quite get a grip on this: somehow the planet was not solid... like a planet-sized gas ball or cloud of dust? Anyway, I didn't really engage with life and took it all as a bit of a joke. On a day it was my turn to be in a control room in a sort of a satellite above the planet. Something inexplicable happened. All I can say is that the planet with all its inhabitants was stomped out of existence before my very eyes! Everything was wiped out of existence by some inexplicable phenomenon. A HUGE grey "thing" just passed though that reality and utterly obliterated the whole planet! I was left in a deep state of shock. Everyone I loved – all my friends, my family, my lovers, my home, my reason for living – EVERYTHING that meant anything to me was wiped out in one inexplicable instant. I was left utterly alone in a small satellite that was now no longer tethered to a planet. I don’t know what I did next. That little satellite would not have sustained life for long. I know I drifted for a while lost in abject grief. Maybe I died of a lack of air, food or water. Maybe I terminated myself. That is not in my memory... just a muggy fog of loss and grief... and then darkness...

Life 3 is a bit sketchy as I had some kind of mental retardation or something like that. My thoughts were very infantile - sort of like thinking in comic-book pictures and icons rather than in words or complex ideas. I could not even speak - I just made meaningless sounds. Life was hard then and people with such challenges were considered a useless burden.
The place I lived was a bit like maybe 16th century Europe in what I can remember of it's technology and buildings etc. It was not a very happy life for me. I was taunted mercilessly by the other children. They even threw stones at me and chased me like a wild animal sometimes. The only one that really loved me and was eternally kind to me was my older sister. She was pure gentleness and goodness.
Then there was some uncle or something that was horribly abusive of me. He beat me terribly and sexually abused me whenever he could too because, you see, I was powerless to ever tell anyone about this. My only protection was to be with my sister whenever he was around, then he’d leave me alone. But if he found me without her… well, it got pretty awful.
And then, things being what they were in those days, my sister was no more than 15 or 16 when she was married off to someone and had to leave home. The man she married lived in the next town. I know she tried very hard to make this okay for me and I remember lying with my head in her lap and her crying disconsolately. She knew she was going away but could not explain this to me. All I knew was that she was unhappy and then she was gone. A horse-drawn carriage came to fetch her. I remember it driving down the lane into the bleak snow-laden forest.
Soon after that the uncle came around again. I knew what was coming and in my desperation I ran away to find my sister. I ran down the road the carriage had gone. I ran and ran. I can still taste the burn of the ice cold air stinging my nose and scalding my lungs. I ran until I fell down utterly exhausted in the deepening evening of the forest. I was very, very scared - every forest sound and shadow caused monster images to flash in my head. I huddled into a corner at the base of a tree slowly succumbing to exposure that cold, utterly lonely night in the forest.

Life 4 is the most difficult to explain. It occurred in another frame of reality so things just don’t translate well. I guess it might actually have been in a kind of etheric realm becasue in this place ideas and thoughts really were tangible things. I somehow had an ability with the crafting of ideas that could… I don’t know… the analogy I get is that I had a “sword of words”. I could somehow do great harm with the constructs of my mind and the others were defenceless against me. I had immense anger and rage towards them. I think these were the same beings as the life before because my sister was there again and this time she was the only one I loved. And this time I had all the power and THEY were defenseless against ME. They had simply never experienced anything like this before and had no way to defend themselves. So I just went around doing harm – exercising my rage, I guess. I rampaged through their reality and exacted my revenge and expressed my torment.
This whole lifetime ended quite strangely too. They captured me and confined me. And then they brought my sister and killed her before me. In so doing I saw that she and they were One. That the good and the evil the positive and the negative were all from within the same being. That which I loved the most and despised the most was all the same one being – just different manifestations of it. I was shaken to my core. They then killed me too. This somehow was a favour to me. It somehow absolved me of my karma. They did this as an act of love. Which is very hard to understand from the perspective of the morality of this life now but it WAS so then.
Also I later came to understand that what I had done to them was somehow a service to them. Much worse was to come and I sort of helped them to prepare for this. It was as a result of me that they would later survive.
But I don't really understand much about this lifetime and I hope to puzzle it all out some day.

Life 5 is uncomfortable for me to tell. The place was sort of medieval. I was born to some local lord. We lived in a castle on a mountain overlooking a valley in which there was a village. Our village was far from any other and transport through the mountain was by slow horse-cart and so we lived quite an isolated life. Most of the villagers would be born and die without ever venturing of the valley. Very few ever even saw the next village. Transport was difficult and slow and communications almost non-existent..
For this lifetime I had been given a spiritual gift: a connection to a special form of spiritual "energy" that is mine for the work that I am to do. I was to use this energy to show the people how to do healing and other such spiritual work.
I think my mother was quite sickly and she had struggled for many years to fall pregnant. Being the local gentry, it was important that she give my father an heir. News of her pregnancy with me was therefore greeted with great joy. When I was born, a perfectly healthy baby boy, the village was overjoyed and a great celebration was given. I was the village's “golden child” and was much loved and celebrated. I soon began to display my gift in doing small magical things. The people saw this and wondered at it. Somewhere in my teens events conspired to take me in a dark direction: firstly my mother never properly recovered from giving birth to me. She was bed-ridden for a few years and then just faded away and died when I was a child. My father was pre-occupied with his grief and trying to balance that with looking after his responsibilities as the lord of his lands. When my magical abilities became obvious, the village witch asked to be allowed to teach me – to “mould” my abilities. Despite the fact that she had shown herself to be capable of quite a mean streak she was allowed to take me into her care. As I say, my mother was gone and my father’s concerns were elsewhere.
She played my ego. She told me I was special beyond all other people. She lead me to believe all others should serve me and be as slaves to my will. She taught me to believe I was a demi-god. I came to believe that my magical abilities were not to be placed in service of the people but instead were proof that the people should serve me as my gifts did.
Complicating matters was the fact that the people did not look at me directly or come close to me. This was of course as a result of the structure of that society – the common folk bowed their head before their lord as a sign of respect. And I was to become their lord. But the point of all of this is that I felt isolated and alone. My only companion was the witch who was trying to use ego manipulations on me to serve her own agenda. This eventually backfired on her. At some point I drove her away. Somewhere in there my father died too and I became the lord. I was utterly alone and isolated. I saw some of the village girls and I wanted them to love me. The gap between us was just too big to breach though and so I became angry and vindictive. I demanded that one of the girls come with me to the castle and, knowing nothing of love, I just took from her what I wanted. In so doing I ruined her chances of finding a husband but I cared little of that. It became a bit of a habit for me. And soon it was not enough to have sex with these girls... soon it became very abusive. Dark. I prefer not to go into details. If anyone denied me anything I wanted (in whatever regard) I’d use my magic to punish them. I'd raise terrible storms or in some other way punish the whole community. No-one dared refuse me. And then I came to hear of a gathering in the village. They were coming together in the market place to discuss what to do about me. I was enraged! I have a picture of myself standing on a cliff overlooking the village with the castle behind me. My emotions boiled and stewed. I was going to show them all! They would never again try such insolence! I began to raise the storm to end all storms. I pulled the wind in towards me – pulling and pulling, I drew in great storm clouds until, roaring and raging, they towered above me. The sky darkened to black and lightning raced. I was connected with these profound forces and I felt the lighting in my own body. It exhilarated me. I felt so large… so powerful… so alive. I revelled in it and in the punishment I would bring. I felt like a god. A very dark and powerful god. I drew in more energy. The wind whipped against my body almost pushing me right off the cliff-face. I saw the villagers below scattering and rushing to secure their homes. The fire in the marketplace around which they had gathered blowing up cinders onto their houses thatched roofs. I was gleeful at their fear. They would pay! The storm developed and developed – the forces straining to break and smash themselves against the village below. And then… nothing. My body collapsed lifeless on that cliff. I had over-done it. I had pushed too much energy through a vessel that was not capable of containing it. Overloaded, my body simply ceased functioning and then there I was, a spirit being looking down on a lifeless form.

That was my last lifetime before this one. I spent A LOT of time between that incarnation and this one. As a spirit-being I reviewed the life I had just left – I looked at the pain and devastation I had caused and I was aghast. I felt such remorse and anguish. I began to try to terminate my own existence. I’ll spare you all the details but I spent a lot of effort simply trying to destroy my own beingness. I tried everything I could but I simply could not end myself. Whatever I did I just continued to exist. I seem to have spent some time obliterating my connection to everything – in other words I tried to cease being by ceasing to DO and losing my memory of all things. Eventually I found myself in a kind of stasis. I was nowhere, did nothing and knew nothing. But that didn’t help because as soon as I wondered how I came to be there it all came flooding back. I realised there was no escape… no cessation. I had to deal with what I had done. And as soon as I decided that, I was in the company of other spirit beings. They brought me before an ancient, wise and beautiful one. Like the "head wizard" or something. I assumed he was to be my judge. I assumed he was going to sentence me for my grave wrong-doings. I immediately began to declare my guilt to him. I was like a limp, wet rag – all tears (metaphorically) and abject apologies. I alternated between earnestly swearing to do better next time, dedicating myself to endless service to repair the wrongs that I had done and begging to be punished or destroyed. On and on I went. The wise one just listened. When eventually I paused he asked “are you done? Because I have someone you should meet.” And then I was introduced to a very special being. A being of pure unblemished truth. Because I still like to use names I call him “8”. Back then I came to see him as the sharp blade-edge of TRUTH. He was hard – but ultimately and completely fair. He took one look at the snivelling rag that I was and simply said “you need to grow a little back-bone”. He took me in hand and worked with me. We were not inside of time so there is no way to express for how long we were at it but I would say it was the equivalent of very many lifetimes. I learned a great deal from him. First he pretended to give me work as “punishment” until I discovered that the work was not punishment but simply an opportunity to express love. Then, when I finally realised that I no longer desired to be punished, he began to help me to see my own beauty. He helped me to see my worth and what I have to offer. Slowly a deep and amazing bond forged between us. He was my guide and teacher but I also knew that he was respected (even revered) by some of the most wondrous beings of this reality. I was blessed beyond my ability to tell of it that he came to my assistance.
Then came a day when 8 told me it was time to finish what was started: I needed to have one final incarnation so that I could let go of the incarnational cycle and rise up to find what I really am. I was filled with trepidation and self-doubt. I really did not want to go into density again. I feared that I would do damage again and did not want this. “Come with me,” 8 said, “I have someone I want you to meet.”
“Who?” I asked.
“Someone who is to be your partner in your journey in the next incarnation. You won’t be alone.”
And then before us was the most incredible sight: a being of the most radiant blue light. I had never seen so much light compressed into such a small space. I was awestruck.
“What does this being want with me?” I asked 8.
“This one will take a challenge to planet earth: she will struggle with the lesson of self-love. You are to love her.”
“Well of course,” I replied, “how else can I respond to such a being.”
“You are to love her consistently until she finds her self-love and in return she will be your truth until you find your self-truth.” And in that simple sentence the partnership was sealed. With such a being at my side how could I fail? And so it was: my lady love and I met 17 years ago. It was love at first sight and we have remained pretty much in love for all that time. We have a partnership that amazes even us. A miracle of love. And I HAVE loved her until she loved herself and she WAS my truth until I discovered my own truth within myself.

And that more-or-less brings me to the present moment.

So here I am now. I am awakened. I discover myself. And along the way I discover a few other things:
First: 8 is my guide while I am incarnated but the reality that I hid from myself is that he and I are actually partners, that is to say, we are a team. He has looked after me through my journey (though I mostly did not know it) so that I can come out the other end and then we can do our work together. My unending gratitude to him for his help is mirrored by him to me. He is unendingly grateful to ME becasue I was the one that took the tough job of descended into this reality for us. So we are in balance, he and I. My job here is really just to find myself and awaken so that I can ascend out of the system and with that hermeneutic understanding, we can do our work.
Second, I realise that that "head wizard" being, the one I thought was there to judge me... was actually just ME! You see, only we can judge ourselves – no one else. And anyway he did not come to judge at all. He simply came to be a part of assisting me to find my way back home. I guess you could say he was a face of Joy-Divine. But then you could say that I too am a face of Joy-Divine. So...
Third, I discover that I really love myself. And like myself. And trust myself. I realise that my journey was a path that we all travel when we come here. We go via Forgetting to a place called Not-Self. When there we do all kinds of interesting things like fear, pain, hatred and abuse. Then, slowly, we begin to discover that this doesn’t make us happy and so we begin to replace this with love, joy, kindness and healing. And this makes us happier. And so we realise then that we have left Not-Self and find ourselves well on the road back to Self. And seeing as True Self is not a being that has forgotten and doesn’t know so, inevitably as we become more Self so we remember and ascend out of this duality-reality.
Fourth, to my utter surprise, I realise that I really love what is here in this reality. I love this planet with a love that sometimes aches in my heart. I love all that is upon the planet too: the animals, the forests, the seas.. and yes! the people too. I love all of them, although I do not always love all that they do. Some of them do some very hurtful things to self and to other/self. But that is only because they are lost and confused. If you look in my story you will see I also did some very hurtful things in my confusion. So I cannot judge another.
And now I discover something ELSE which is possibly the most interesting: our darkest most dismal secrets are actually our most glorious jewels. You see, when you are in your greatest pain, you give someone else the gift of being able to express love to you by allowing them to help you to heal. Then, when you do heal, you come away with great compassion for all others that have pain. Then these "others" give you the gift of allowing you to help them with their pain. This thing – this helping each other – this flows from compassion. I say to you: "If we each see the darkness within ourselves with clear and open eyes then we find compassion for the darkness in an other/self. And compassion is the route to Oneness." It is the healing of that which is fragmented.

And this is the first part of what I wanted to share here... the very briefest summation of my story. It is my introduction to you that are here on this amazing website... this quiver of light-arrows.

In love and laughter

Oh, yeah, P.S.
I forgot to include this other thing that I discovered. It’s a loopy one: I discover that, outside of time, I am already that which has ascended and always was ascended. In fact I am a being that has already expressed itself eternally in an infinite number of realities because I am already an infinite, immortal creator being and always was. And so my beginning, as laid out above in this story, is not really my beginning it’s just a convenient place to start a story. I am myself, I am my higher-self and I am One with God. And so are you. So you and I are One. So I am you and you are me and we are All That Is. And that’s just the freakiest, happiest truth ever! And so I greet you:

"Hello God!"
Представляет интерес советы, как обрести связь со своих Духом, данные Адаму (на англ.)
Скрытый текст:
The first is that there is nothing you have to do (or even can do) to persuade your Spirit Family (guides, higher-self, etc.) to make contact and have a conversation with you. They are not avoiding you. They are not playing hide-and-seek with you. When you talk to them they hear you loud and clear. When you ask questions they immediately answer. They love you more than you can imagine and they desire contact with you as much as you do with them.

If this is true, then why can you not hear them, right?

Quite simply because we chose to come here beyond the Veil where we are disconnected from them. This is what it is like to be here. We feel alone, we experience fear, we don't know who we really are and we are disconnected from the Oneness. These things are a direct result of being here, beyond the Veil of Unknowing.

But clearly it IS possible to connect. There are many doing it in very public fashion. So what gives?

If we can take a step back then I'll explain: The communication you yearn for is heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul communion. It is the method all beings of unity-consciousness use to communicate. It works like this: If you and I are One, then, at the level of Oneness, I can share anything with you. I can share a thought, a feeling, an idea, an experience... anything at all with you. Then my experience IS your experience. Then you know EXACTLY what I am trying to communicate with you. This is how higher-order spirit beings communicate. In your soul you remember communicating like this from before you forged your way down into these depths of duality. And the memory of this clear communication gives your a feeling of disquiet. It is somehow "wrong" that you can't just connect with your most beloved Soul-Family and share with them all your ideas, feelings, questions, discussions, etc. How frustrating it is!

So what now?

There are a few paths you can choose.
The first path is to accept that this is "how it is". You chose to be here and you did it for a very good reason. You came here TO BE HERE. So you can choose to experience BEING HERE as it is and find peace and joy in that. That is one very good approach. Does it satisfy you?


It didn't satisfy me either.

The next is to learn to listen in a new way. Your soul-family are constantly in non-verbal communication with you. In all kinds of subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) ways. Sometimes you are told to "slow down" when all the traffic lights are red. Sometimes you are given a message when a book falls open and there is a meaningful passage right there. Sometimes someone will say something to you that is an inspired message for you from your Soul Family. That is the kind of thing I am talking about. The point is to open yourself to what is given to you every day in a million ways. Pay attention and pay heed to what is offered to you. The more you do, the more clear and obvious the communications will become.

I very much do, do this. I open myself to communication and inspiration as much as I can. I find doing this makes me that much more "sensitive" to communication.

So good.

But you are asking for something a little more than this. Let me tell you what I know about direct, conscious, meaningful communication through the veil.

The first thing is that it can be done (obviously).
The second is that EVERYONE can do it.
The third is that there are two main "styles" of bringing info though - "conscious communication" and "trance communication". In the former case you are there to ask questions and get answers etc. In the later case you go to sleep and your body becomes an instrument for a spirit being to talk though and you are not present for the process. I have nothing against trance channelling at all but I can't speak about it from personal experience. I have only ever done conscious communication.
If you do conscious communication then you have to bear in mind that you are "there" to interfere with the communication. It is very easy to influence what you get. It is easy to pull what you are receiving out of shape with your own will, desires or preconceptions. It takes some practice to differentiate between what really comes from another being and what you want this other being to say. With conscious communication you also have the limitation that you can't "receive" something that you can not think. For example: I could not receive in a language that I cannot already speak. I cannot receive complex mathematical equations in which I have no training. That kind of thing.
The fourth is that this will never, ever "prove" itself to you. To play this "game" is to actively choose to play with uncertainty and doubt. Any attempt to force "proof" will result in distortions in your communication and will most likely result in the whole thing being proved false. So, for example, asking your guides to tell you the number of the lotto will not work. Playing parlour games (how many stones in my hand, what is my cousins name, etc) will fail. You will probably get roughly statistically average results. You will probably get frustrated and lose interest.
But what if you have the ability to reside in that state of ambiguity and let it just be what it is and see what you can learn about yourself and life?
Well, then you might be in for an interesting ride!

But HOW? Right? You want to know how to do this in practical terms.

Well this part is the easy part. Doing it is a piece of cake. The actual DOING is definitly not the tough part. So let me give you one possible beginning exercise that you can do right now that will start you out talking to your Spirit Guide. Then I'll talk about the "tough part"

1. Pick a relaxed day. Like a Sunday when you don't have a lot of stress. Until you get comfortable with this you are going to want the minimum "psychic noise" in your consciousness.
2. Do something peaceful and relaxing like going for a long walk. Or better even, meditate.
3. Sit down somewhere that you will not be bothered or interrupted and where you feel comfortable and "at home".
4. Set your intent. Light a candle or an incense stick as you declare with firm conviction a statement something like:
"I will now open my heart to communication from my Spirit Guide. This communication passes through the pure bright white light of the One and I permit no interference."
5. Clear your mind and be at peace.
6. Take up the pen and write something to your Spirit Guide like
"Hello, are you there?"
7. Then, without hesitation, without thinking or pausing, simply put the pen on the next line and write the first thing that comes to mind. Like:
"Of course I am here. Where else would I ever be?"
Or whatever you get.
8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for as long as you like.

And that is all there is to it.

More or less.

And now comes the "tough part". Already you can see the problem, right? You are thinking "but I am just creating this whole conversation!"
Shall I tell you what 8 said to me when I told him that? He said "of course you are, but that doesn't make it any less true!"

The truth is you ARE creating the conversation. It occurs in your mind. It is not possible to have the conversation without creating it. Right?

Then the next objection arrives: "But I am just having this conversation with myself!"
Yes. You are. There is only ONE of us here. Who else would you be talking to?

What is potentially miraculous about this process though, is that you are opening yourself to communication with a part of yourself that holds insight, truth and wisdom that you are not consciously aware of holding. It holds the potential to surprise and delight you. If you let it. If you are willing to go with it and allow for the ambiguity. If you are willing to PLAY. If you can resist the urge to get all serious about this. Then you might just allow yourself to show yourself some truly breath-taking truths and wisdom. If, on the other hand you get all serious about this or think it is IMPORTANT BUSINESS or if you wind your ego up around this you will, I assure you, feel the sharp end of the Veil. You'll show yourself all the reasons why this is wrong, fake, self-delusion and doubtful.

So my suggestion is to play, play, play. Let it be just fun and light for a good while. Don't concern yourself with "is it true" or any such thing for a while. Get comfortable with the process of receiving. Have wonderful conversations with your soul-family. Ask them everything under the sun. And Syme there is no reason whatsoever not to ask frivolous, self-indulgent questions! Ask because you want to know! This is your closest most beloved Family! They don't need you to be all selfless and service-oriented about this! Have fun. Talk to them. Share everything with them. And then, as you go so you will find a kind of confidence in it. You will, by the "feel" of the thing, begin to know the difference between "clear, true communication", "interfered with communication" and your own ego, desires and preconceptions getting in the way. This knowing will come to you. And then you'll have a talent honed, practised and ready to use in service - if this is what you desire.

But these are just my thoughts and my perspectives on this subject based upon my experiences. I'm sure there are other ways to do this and other experiences that are equally valid.
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Сообщения: 24
Зарегистрирован: 28 мар 2014 13:45

Re: Говорит Адаму. Часть 1. Вступление

Сообщение Антидот »

Увы, я не Плеядеанец ни разу в ближайшей ретроспективе прошлых жизней,
скорее уж коренной Орионец

Сообщения: 24
Зарегистрирован: 28 мар 2014 13:45

Re: Говорит Адаму. Часть 1. Вступление

Сообщение Антидот »

Что интересно, полностью согласуется с моей позицией по данному вопросу, однако Сущность много о чем недоговаривает, однако, на то и задачи у Нее нет - в конце концов, искать Истину надо самим, нас могут лишь слегка подтолкнуть к этому - таков Путь Души.
Сообщения: 683
Зарегистрирован: 21 мар 2012 21:59

Re: Говорит Адаму. Часть 1. Вступление

Сообщение stalkerb »

Новая глава из третьей книги Бумаги Вознесения
http://zingdad.com/publications/books/t ... ers-book-3
My Dear Friends

I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian civilisation, brought to you through my dear young friend, Zingdad.

We have reached a nexus in the flow of the timelines of your reality at which it becomes important for you to understand certain crucial matters.

You need to understand why you, as Pleiadian Starseeds, are here upon earth. What your mission profile really is. And you need to understand why planet Earth and why now. You need then, also, to understand what will occur next. What’s next for Earth and what’s next for you. You need this information so that you can make an informed decision about where you will go next. What your next experience of life will be.

There is no more important decision before you that the one I am about to inform you of. So this is crucial information. I will require your patience and your attention as I lay this all out for you and remind you of all that you once knew before you entered into incarnation here upon Earth.

Firstly. Why Earth? You are a Pleiadian being. You arose, spiritually, amongst your soul family upon the Pleiades. That is your home. And you were doing sterling work in your journey towards your ultimate awakening and ascension back into the Oneness of the Monad to which we belong. You are one of our brightest and best.

So why are you now on Earth? Why are you amongst others who are struggling so mightily with their issues and causing themselves, each other and their planet so much harm? Why have you been born amongst them in this barbaric place of murder and mayhem? Why have you risked becoming afflicted with the illnesses of their psyches? Because, yes, it is a risk! And some of our Pleiadian brethren have indeed become afflicted. Quite a few have adopted the ways of Earth and fallen in consciousness. So there is a real danger in coming here. You knew this. Yet you came anyway. Why?

I shall tell you. It will be a fairly long story and right now I shall offer you the first part of that story:

The Situation Report on Planet Earth

The story of how Earth gets to be as it is now is long and complex enough to fill all the books in all the libraries upon the Earth and still that will be a cursory explanation. So I won’t try to give you the whole story. Instead I will sum it up as follows: There is such a thing as a true and authentic Earth Human. Beings that arose upon Earth from the Earth… just as you arose, originally, in the Pleiades. True Earth souls, inhabiting Earth bodies.

For better or for worse, the Earth Human has been tinkered with, toyed with, manipulated, used and abused and then rescued and healed and used and abused all over again countless times since the beginning of the story of the planet. And the ones that have acted upon Earth humans in this fashion have been the other, more technologically advanced, galactic civilisations.

If you examine the religious myths and the ancient legends that still resound in the consciousness of the planet you find an abundance of traces of this intervention. This mighty being with his chariot of fire that came down and claimed a people and said to them, “You are my people and I will protect you. You must just do as I say, to the letter and worship and obey me and I will look after you”. You know what I am talking about. Almost all of the religions of the world have such a being in them.

Now, please, you mustn’t think your dear old Adamu an atheist. I have explained in detail in the Adamu Speaks series that I believe in God. I have personal and direct knowledge of the divine. And it is my desire to share that knowledge with others too. But, my friends, the eternal, everlasting, one true creator of all things is far too great a being to appear to one group on Earth, one tribe on one planet in one galaxy and say “I choose you and will help you to slay other tribes”.

Check with your heart. Surely you can see this to be true?

But back to the narrative. What I wish you to understand is that this kind of intervention by space races did not happen once. It happened countless times. A number of them are still recorded in the myths and legends of which I spoke but most of them predate all record of them. You have, after all, only a few thousand years of recorded history, sketchy as it is, and humanity has existed in one form or another for millions of years. There were, for example, dragon gods upon your planet hundreds of thousands of years ago. Too long ago for any actual record of them to survive but, the impact of having such blood-curdlingly magnificent beings walking amongst you and flying your skies was such that it remains in your collective psyche.

I could go on and on upon this subject. Truly the deep history of planet Earth is massively complex. But that story is not why I am here today. I simply wish you to understand that Earth Humanity has been, through the aeons, massively interfered with. So much so that they evolved without an identity. Earth humans do not know who or what they are. They have not found unity over any choices whatsoever. They cannot stand as one over anything.

Now, you see, there are certain spiritual councils that order the universe. There is a council of wise and beautiful spiritual beings that order each planet, each solar system, each galaxy… and so on. And the planetary council for planet Earth came to the decision a little while ago that Earth would cease to be interfered with until such time as the bearers of the light of will upon the planet – the humans – could come to unity on who and what they are. What they stand for. What they choose. What they believe in.

They must decide are they, collectively Service to Other, Service to Self or of unity consciousness. They must decide if their path is technological, religious or spiritual. There are a variety of such choices and they must make up their collective minds.

And so the decision was made and we, the Pleiadian civilisation, were honoured by the request that we should lead the imposition of a quarantine upon the planet until such time as humanity has made their decision. If you study your mythology you will see a trace record of this. I am remembered in you mythology as a being called Atlas. And in your mythology I "lifted the dome of the stars from the Earth in order to stop a feud between the stars.

Yes that is me. My real name is Atlas. Adamu is a title like "Grandfather" or "Wise Man". And I was personally involved in arranging the quarantine.

The Quarantine Enforced by Atlas

We, Pleiadians were asked to provide this service since we have, and I say this with a little pride but without conceit, the very best ships in the galaxy. No one could possible enforce a quarantine better than we. Our lightships are unparalleled for speed and manoeuvrability and are also virtually indestructible. But I shall tell you more about that in due course. The point is we were asked to make sure that that the other space races got off the planet… and stayed off. As the founder-members of a federation of galactic races that join together for mutual benefit, protection and support, we lead a group of races in a mission to create a “quiet space” upon Earth until Earth had come to its decision point.

There was one race that didn’t like that at all. They are recorded in the most ancient of your writings as the Anunaki. But actually that word is a kind of a syncretism as the ancients used it to refer to all the space races that were active upon planet Earth. And there were many. Back then, often quite a few space races were active in any given civilisation at any time. But, for the sake of convention we’ll call these particular ones (that are known amongst Pleiadians as the Red Star people) by the name used in your ancient writings… the Anunaki.

And it was so that these Anunaki actually rebelled against the will of the planetary council and, believe it or not, went to war with us to resist being evicted from the planet. It was quite a shambles as our primary objective was to cease all further traumatisation of humanity and they were willing to humanity as a pawn in their game of resistance. If we attacked them directly in their positions we would cause far more traumatisation than they ever had! So we would not do that!

In the end there really was only one strategy that we could use that wouldn’t compromise our own mission. We couldn’t get them off Earth by attacking them on Earth. We tried to blockade them in but they just dug in and entrenched themselves even further as gods. They had little god-kingdoms dotted all over the planet. And then they’d play chess with each other. But the games played out on bloody battlefields with humans as the chess pieces. This was their entertainment and sport. When they weren’t teaching humans how to bow and scrape and sing songs of praise and worship to please their refined ears, they were bludgeoning masses of humans against each other. So we certainly couldn’t just leave them on the planet either!

Not only were they in contravention of the planetary council, not only had they attacked us and placed themselves on a war footing with us, but they were also behaving in a truly monstrous fashion. And so desperate measures were called for. We attacked them where it would really hurt. Their home planet.

I won’t get into all the intrigues but you should understand that the Anunaki gods that were upon the planet at the time were like minor royalty from the Red Star home world. Petty princes and princesses. They were left to get up to whatever they wanted and, in their boredom, they played upon the Earth.

When the Federation’s warships arrived in the environs of the Anunaki home world, their king was suddenly willing to enter talks. Suddenly very amenable. And suddenly willing to send instruction to his errant family members that they should extricate themselves from planet Earth and return home poste haste. He gave them a tight timeline and that was that.

A New Perspective on The Great Flood

And all would have proceeded perfectly except one petulant little twit got it into his head to destroy all that he had built on his way out. *laughs* My friends. You shall have to forgive me. Your Adamu has seen much and there is not much that raises my ire any more. But in retelling this story I am brought back into the emotions that coursed through my being back then when I discovered this. One on the Anunaki gods in his mighty and godly fashion, decided if he had to leave earth that he would wipe out his whole creation on his way out. His own tribe that had worshipped him and done his every bidding. He decided to destroy And everything else that he could possibly destroy. It’s difficult not to get upset at that.

He had access, you see, to certain tools that could be used for weather control. Which is another long story which, if I told you, you simply would not believe me. But the point is he manipulated the weather to bring maximal destruction upon his own people.

Another of the Anunaki, in fact a brother to the insanely destructive one, decided to try ameliorate the harm he warned some of the people of what his brother was planning. The result is the ancient myth of the great flood and the man who built the ark.

The story, as it is now available to you in your various religious texts has become profoundly mythologised, of course.

In truth, the flooding was really quite localised. The whole world was not covered in water. I should hope a little deductive reasoning would make it apparent that there is not enough water on the planet to flood the planet. But there certainly is enough to cause a great deal of local flooding. A great deal of local disaster. And so it was. And so it was too, that those that were warned had the wherewithal to build good weather-proof boats for themselves, their families and their domesticated livestock. To place in these boats sufficient feedstock to last out a few days of torrential rain and the massive flooding that came afterwards. And to provide a safe “home base” to live from once the floods had subsided. The flood must certainly have felt pretty epic to those that lived through it though. And one can understand how the myth came to be what it is. But there were survivors. In part thanks to the warning they were given. In part thanks to the good preparations they put in place. And in part also because we were able to deactivate the weather device. Which I shall just say was in space and I shall leave it at that. We deactivated it and the planet’s weather returned to normal and since then we have been keeping a vigil. We have been keeping the rest of the galaxy off humanities bit of turf while they have slowly detraumatised themselves, slowly began to find themselves and slowly began to make up their own minds about who and what they are.

It’s been several thousand years that we have kept it up. And in that time, you have had very little interference indeed. A remarkably good quarantine has been maintained for all this time. We are not perfect. We do not draw an utterly impermeable boundary around the Earth. Sometimes something happens and an Earth Human encounters a being from another galactic civilisation. This is often by mistake. Some perfectly respectful member of a race that is in support of the quarantine agreement makes an error and their ship drops from a higher frequency into your environment and you have a “UFO” event. That kind of thing happens.

And then there are also some that are intentionally trying to subvert the quarantine.

The Zeta Greys

You are familiar with the little grey fellows from Zeta Reticuli? They are masters of stealth. They are able to sneak in, get up to monkey business and sneak out again without causing alarm. Not all the time. Not even most of the time. But it happens often enough that there is an awareness of them upon your planet. For which we apologise. We are doing our best with them and have quite a high success rate. But not nearly perfect, I am afraid. The problem is that the ones doing these incursions are not acting under the auspices of their home world. They are corsairs. Buccaneers. They undertake these missions at the behest of the highest bidder. And through the ages they have occasionally managed to slip through and conduct this or that mission on behalf of some or another interested party. We have controlled them as best we can but it is like swatting gnats. No matter how many you get, one or two always get through and they don’t mind being caught. They don’t even mind having their ship destroyed in the process. They are, you see, not like you. They are a race of… the closest I can offer you is “biological machines”. They are intelligent sentient beings, certainly. But there is no sense of “I” or of an individual self, amongst them. They are the group. They have a networked group awareness. They have shared memories. So shooting one of their ships out of the sky doesn’t actually kill anyone. Not in the normal sense. They will simply manufacture more… as many as they believe they need. And each will gain access to the network of information and knowledge which is their group intelligence. But for all that, there are unfathomably complex factions within the greater group of their race. And some of those factions – numerically a very small percentage – engage in this kind of behaviour.

So that’s a little background on the Zeta Greys. But now I need to tell you about the trigger events.

A Brief Lifting of the Quarantine... and an Offer!

When the quarantine was put in place, it was agreed that there would be certain specific events that would cause the quarantine to be lifted in a very carefully ordered fashion. One such event occurred quite recently with the dropping of the first atomic bombs. This was at the end of a period that you call the second world war. I don’t know why you call it that. There has almost never not been world war. But that is neither here nor there. When those devices exploded, you triggered the possibility of planetary self-destruction. Other planetary civilisations have utterly annihilated themselves with exactly this technology. So, with those two bombs, you caused a trigger event. Delegates of a few of the main factions of the galactic civilisations were sent to speak to the leader of the nation that detonated those devices. Given the high-drama of the time, it took a little time and effort to procure that meeting. But eventually it came to pass. And the meeting, when it came, was with an ex-military man who was then leading a more-or-less peaceful nation. He was offered a variety of options by the various delegates. We, the Pleiadians, representing the Galactic Federation of White Light, offered him a peaceful path. In exchange for giving up this self-destructive technology and the whole path it placed humanity upon, we offered a variety of other technologies. Free energy and so forth. Technologies that would lead to the betterment of all humanity. That would allow for healing. For unity. That would open the door to free and unfettered engagement with the galactic community.

He declined our offer saying he would not give up the strategic advantage that nuclear weapons presented at that crucial juncture. Though the war was officially over, what replaced it was very far from peace. There had been a very uncomfortable alliance between his nation and another during the war and this alliance had fallen apart to be replaced with what would come to be called “the cold war”. And this leader was fully engage in the preparations for the next war. A war that has yet to come. A nuclear war.

So he gave up on the best chance humanity would, quite possibly ever have. Such was his short-sightedness. But that was the best decision he could take given the information available to him.

The Orion Group

Another group, representatives of a race from Orion and a consortium of Service to Self races, made a different offer. You see this race is fast dying out as a result of their own genetic unviability. This is self-inflicted. They have, for aeons, been tinkering with their own genome. They are themselves GMOs, you see. And nearly everything upon their planet is genetically modified. Not that genetic modification is per se a bad thing. It is just a bad thing if you give yourself no way to undo what you have done. Which is what they did. They modified themselves right to the point of their own inability to reproduce. An unintended consequence of trying to genetically disable the aging process. So there they are now. A race of very old beings who live very, very long lives but can have no children and are slowly, slowly dying out.

So what do the beings from Orion want? A mulligan. A redo. A start over. And they see humanities massively diverse and wonderfully robust genome as the perfect resource that they would like to mine. They want to splice bits of human genome back into their own to bring them back to viability as a race. And not just Humanity. They also want access to earth’s animal genetics for similar purposes. In short, what they wanted was to be given access to human genetics. Free reign to take samples from whomsoever they chose whenever they wanted.

So they offered that fearful war-time leader the one thing that h would not be able to say no to. They wowed him and his technical advisers with technology that would place his nation at a massive strategic advantage over his enemies. And they said they would hand that technology over in exchange for the genetic mining rights they sought. They further promised that samples would be taken stealthily. That the samples individual would never know that they had even been touched.

And so that leader agreed. He thought he had struck the most marvellous bargain.

But he was wrong. It was a disastrously poor bargain.

Firstly, the technology was delivered without manuals or instructions. Imagine a stone-age man begin handed a smartphone. What could he do with it? He could not even use it, let alone replicate it and make many more just like it. And so it was. The technology delivered was very advanced and would have been a massive strategic advantage. But it was incomprehensible and unusable to those that took receipt of it. All these years later and only occasionally does anything come out of those most secret of labs where those extra-terrestrial devices continue to be examined and analysed. The advances come out so slowly that they are quickly enough absorbed by the other nations of the world that they advantage is limited.

A New Perspective on Alien Abductions

And in exchange that leader agreed to having the populace of his nation and his treaty nations poked and prodded and sampled. Which has become something of a nightmare. You see the population can never know that this was the agreement. How would they feel knowing they had been traded like so many heads of cattle? And though the Orions employed some of the very best of the Zeta greys to conduct their sorties in the utmost stealth… what no-one accounted for was the spiritual sensitivity of some humans. For some it is simply not possible to hide from them that they have been sampled. You call it "abducted", though that is not a good term. You are taken, sampled and returned. And it is all done at a higher vibration density outside of your normal flow of time. But be that as it may. Still it is so that this is an unwarranted, unagreed upon intrusion into your space and violation of your body and your sense of safety.

The Quarantine is Reinstituted

Though that war-time leader and the Orion delegation came to an agreement, that agreement was not ratified by the planetary council. They were willing to offer humanity a choice that would lead to them giving up their warlike ways and choosing for peace. Choosing for unity. They though the planet-wide fatigue with war followed by the shock of an atomic bomb and the devastation that followed might just be enough to trigger a change in consciousness. They wanted humanity to make the leap to choosing a whole new timeline. A timeline of peace, healing, love and acceptance.

But humanity would have to choose. They could not again be over-ridden by the will of more powerful beings with more advanced technologies. That would just bring a repeat of the pre-quarantine era. So, very carefully, the options were presented to just one man. The leader of the nation that had reached that technological threshold of planetary self-annihilation.

And he chose wrong.

He chose for fear not love. He chose for separation not unity. He chose for destruction not healing.

And we cannot blame him for it. Such was the situation at the time. That is what one chooses when one is in his shoes.

But for all that… as I say… the treaty with Orion was not ratified by the planetary council. And so it was that we reinstituted the quarantine protocols and disallowed the Greys access wherever we could. Which, again, is most places. But they still sneak through. And they continue to engage a variety of experiments mostly for their Orion masters but also for others.

And so that is the Sit Rep as military types like to say. The report of the situation on the ground. And that is the first part of this open letter.

Coming Next

Soon I will wish to begin to speak to more spiritual matters. I want to tell you about yourselves, as Pleiadian Starseeds. I want to tell you about your origins in the Pleiades. How you evolved there. And then how it came to be that we decided to send a Starseed delegation. How it came to be that you volunteered. What your mission on earth really is. Why this is the time for you to remember and awaken. What you should be doing next. And what your decisions are going forward.

That’s a lot to tell. And I will get to that next as I am able to pass this information through my dear Zingdad.

And, at the same time, he and I are also working on the Adamu Speaks series which has a parallel purpose of teaching you how to move yourself out of victimhood and to return to yourself the memory of your true creator nature. So, if you have not looked into that, I do suggest you update yourself on that too.

There is much to learn and understand. And much to do. As a Pleiadian Starseed you are my very soul-family and I love you dearly. And I send you my gratitude for the important work that you have signed up for at this time upon planet Earth. What you do there will have repercussions that will echo through eternity. So please do not think your role to be unimportant!

But more about that in my next transmission. Until then I wish you the very fondest farewell.

I am Adamu of the monadic entity of the Pleiadian civilisation and I have been brought to you through my dear young friend, Zingdad.
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Зарегистрирован: 21 мар 2012 21:59

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Говорит Адаму Часть 1 Вступление

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И еще может у кого-нибудь есть опыт покупки таких билетов из Москвы?Поделитесь please