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Зарегистрирован: 21 мар 2012 21:59


Сообщение stalkerb »

February 16, 2013

Сообщения: 683
Зарегистрирован: 21 мар 2012 21:59


Сообщение stalkerb »


Greetings, dear ones, I'm Kryon of magnetic service.
The process that you see before you is an old soul process. It is is not beyond human understanding, process which is called channeling, is a process that uses part of the human
to cross the bridge to that which is a dimensionality that you also are part of a non-aware, part of the very bridge that you are crossing in this new energy is that very one.
for in an old Earth situation the attributes which you believe are your entire reality sequester you into a bubble, into believing all about, Around that bubble is what you think is God, something that is untouchable=unreachable, some say doesn't even exist, and there you are. and even the human being who wakens to their divinity, pushes against the bubble, wondering if it is true, perhaps spending their life hoping it is. and so along comes the channel and pushes the limits of the bubble. and some of you will not know even after this is done, whether this was real or not, whether the man needs in the chair inappropriately pretending or not, whether there really is something going on, which is beyond what you think, and touches the very face of the fabric of the multidimensional God.
23 years I have been here, and many of you=have sat and listened and read, and I identified myself over and over as a piece of you. it is been so difficult for us to get the
message across that maybe just maybe where allied INCLUDING the voice you hear here alive all of us, in an appropriate system that is divine, that literally is the essence of what is broadcast from the great central sun, the back which is the middle of the galaxy profound is it might be is in you as well. it is true - and the teaching from the very beginning has
morphed and changed ever so slightly as the=bail starts to lift any be start to study what we have said you will find a sameness to all of you . in the last few years there
There has been an increased awareness of all of it, so where has that come from, dear ones? answer of this comes from you or I continue to teach with the same energy I've always thought I
I remain a guide to the bridge , except that what has taken place slowly is that the human being is start the Porsche=the outside of the limits of the bubble and so the bubble starts to expand and that is what we are going to speak of tonight perhaps
the most difficult esoteric information that I would ever get, begins tonight
for I speak of things that are not obvious has become things that some of you will not understand, for the listener to the reader it may have to be given again worked really to thinking
fort starts now and that is the training in the things that
do not appear in your bubble, how can you learn things that have no semblance of order ?
no reality puny, no reference to anything that you you really know about, the answer is that these things can be taught because they already exist in you, the messages since we began in the year 2013 have been about finding that in you which has been always implanted there ready for now, like seeds that have been there all along, ready for this energy to walk with them, ever since her birth before ever even in your past life, the very soul you bring in as an old soul, dear ones, has had an underpinning= that you've only sentenced, and that underpinning
is like the crops that are now able to grow, and what you're spending this year doing is watering the crops,and slowly new awareness is began to sprout, and it happens so slowly that is comfortable, is comfortable for you to change your position
of how you believe, in what you think,and where you are placing your emphasis because to you it appears to be slow growth in your own personality and when actually it is you watering, the seeds of your past, so that the ancient information will start to reappear, very ancient. And you will then take on the things that you always asked to take on. I know this sounds cryptic but how do I explain a multidimensional reality to human beings who would never really experienced one,
Do you know when you experience multidimensionality is when you sleep?
to constrains of the linear brain are removed to a degree that things are able to mix, and many of you have these dreams which often seem to make no sense and that is to say that the people involved in your dreams shouldn't be there together. that the time that is represented in the dream is oddly now and not now, but sometimes in your dream your one age and then you're another. there is never a time when you're closer to the now than in the dream.
And when you often awake you cannot even identify or verbalize what you went through because the linear aspects snapback in place and your awake, and you can not then tell somebody
in linearity about a nonlinear event. and you're stumped for words on the other side of that bubble that is what exists, and it would be a mistake to take the bubble away but the human mind would not understand, would grow in disarray and chaos
but when you start to water the seeds of your own growth you expand the bubble slowly to include partially, things which are not many, and that's what you're doing this year
and that is why we tell you all of you - it is a year of growth, it is a year of rest, it is a year of dealing with the shift between the old and the new, it is a year of being careful
it is a year of introspection, it is one where many things may come act you that are new that you expected finally, and when they do, accept them. see them for what they are for the synchronicity that you have been waiting for , for so many is now ,the seeds are beginning to grow, proceed slowly for there is no time limit, 18 years is what you have right now
that is the most for for planting new seeds.last 18 marching through the precession of the equinoxes was the one that gave you the most trouble, with that is the one where you
had to slog through all the prophecies and all that energy that said that you're not can make it , not can make it, for these were the prophecies for a long time, now that those have fallen on the floor unfulfilled
the sun comes out, you begin to water the seeds, do not let anyone tell you, dear ones, that these things are not so! with the millennium shift came and went and the earth stood where it
was without a catastrophe, on Armageddon, a rapture
there was a whole coalition of people who decided to bring you something else so that you wouldn't get too comfortable and they did, there's always a coalition that is invested, in keeping you in the dark, and it is not God - watch for.
for what great will come forward and tell you all things have been postponed although there is still things happening over there is this prophecy, that prophecy but right now they're
just getting it together. And right now you can=see the truth there is nothing but the seeds that's what's going on in your life. I can tell you that, old soul, for that is in your room
came with you, will have more in it be, And so it is.
Сообщения: 683
Зарегистрирован: 21 мар 2012 21:59


Сообщение stalkerb »

Main 16 февраля

Greetings, dear ones, I'm Kryon of magnetic service.
My partner steps aside, and it is his design to allow the window that is here to have a step through it, and not to filter what is said, but at the same time is higher self, is to check the integrity, therefore the agreement that we always have, would be that he stays consciously there, with the ability to be able
to discuss a channeling after-the-fact, that is higher self which is what he trusts would be the bridge to the other side of the veil that i crossed.
And this particular attribute is the same one, dear ones, as healers use. if you are a healer in the room you will know that I'm right. your higher self is involved as the bridge of connection, the back which is what you would call the other side of the veil, were the perception is gathered to the patient who sits in front of you. this is the process of the reader. who understands and trusts is higher self enough to allow it to be the bridge. where he can read the quantum energy even the Akash of someone in front of you.
And so the process that you see here right now is not that unusual is not that on or strange, it is one that all of you have used, even the one who is, who says i am not a channel or i never will be. I'm really not interested as used it, and you call it intuition.
And little spark that will keep you from moving forward instead will push you to the left or right, is something about the energy and you follow it, welcome to channeling.
Or it is the same process that you hear here. only 23 years ago my partner agreed that we would put together a bridge and build together, one that was built with integrity and transparency accuracy and the love from the creative source and when the bridge was, finished and done, that he would be comfortable enough to step aside and let it be used for the traffic of information especially after 2012. we bring things today which we said we would bring which are difficult, difficult because they are expanded information, difficult to understand almost impossible to achieve at the moment but it's information that will give you insight, into what we would expect his next, the things that you will find them what we have called "the time capsule", now order for you to understand these things if you have not heard the messages of the last few weeks, is for me to give a brief review, I won't do that just yet, instead I want to talk about something that happened yesterday, a meteor passed close to the planet, it was not a near miss, it was never intended to be a hit, and so it was not, but this particular meteor actually came into what is called a sweet spot, there was no collisions with any satellites, any manned objects, and you have thousands of them in space, instead of past right into a place was nothing at all, and passed out ,and there would be those on the other side of the veil who said: "You just had a visitor". The visitor was energy can you deny for a moment that that which happens close to the earth affects the consciousness of Earth. when I tell you and have to expect a year of full moon what does that mean to you? For you know the moon is significant in certain cycles for affecting the consciousness of the planet in both cycles.
So here comes a smaller body that nearly hits you but doesn't, because it wasn't supposed to, and you have to know that it comes and goes with the purpose and leads energy, we will call it a visitor.
And if i were to identify the energy it would mean anything to you. but i will tell you you're going to see more of these kinds of things because it's time. that the energies delivered to the planet right now, all of them being delivered as this was obviously delivered, is about opening the bigger bridge of the time capsule. and so all i have to say is it when you see these kinds of things occur,, look at them differently than just something that took place physically in 3-D, understand that there is a delivery system and it comes in many ways.
You already know of the ones that come through known astrology, even the small body of Chiron, makes a difference in the chart, imagine what this meant to the planet, imagine the energy that may have been placed upon the crystalline grid from your solar system because it was time, so all we wish to say is congratulate yourself for being where you are now, because there was a prophecy at one time but said that when the visitor passed through, less than 17000 miles from the earth, a prophecy said there would be no humans to feel anything, what a prophecy? On so one you grew up with, I want you think of that, because you are here, not only are you hear your planting the seeds of an enlightened graduate ascended planet, seeds that will grow for you to see the next time you're here for your children to enjoy, seeds that will develop a consciousness which is confusing to many will also bring new science, new systems, new discovery and better life, these things are going to happen slowly we said that, dear ones, and that was pulled upon the time capsule, last four weeks we have given you many messages about the time capsule, you can call it whatever you wish to, is an awakening of new inventions, new ideas, new processes, new ways of thinking, a new paradigm, it is a slow examination, you might say, of what was always there. we have given you in the past some of things to expect from the very crystalline grid of the planet which knows all thing,s brought to you by the pleaidians by the way, who set the grid originally, and made a quantum energy on the planet that records and plays back human action, we told you that the grid is changing its linear ways, it's becoming more responsive to compaction advance created by joy instead of sorrow, we told you that even the battlefields of the earth will start to lose the energies, that had of death and sorrow, and that instead other places on the planet will start to grow, and energy that will get back to you what you've always wanted you'll step into the very feels that used to be battlefields and feel the love of Gaia.
You know that the dirt is alive, you will start looking at things differently in the system that is before you understands the humans on the reason for the season
it's all about, a reawakening of things always work, and little by little your being awakened to these.
If you take a look at what the last hundred years has given you, it is given you just about everything.
From 100 years before that the 30000 years it was pretty static, only inventions that you have, coming right out of the grid in the time capsule delivered on time to the entire planet to same time. we talked about a famous inventor the last time. we talked about the way things are given to you as an example, to what to expect. we told you that this year is the year of rest, that is not to say that you cannot begin things it is just to say that he would be better or if you would rest between, that the energies that you use to fight are now starting to abate, we get in the example of the muscle builder, who holds up the wait for a very long time and then puts it down, and he has to give his muscles time to relax again before he holds another way. and when he picks up the new way it's not good away as much even though the indicator says the same thing as it did before, because the energy in the way itself has started to go away. and so the role of the old soul and the light worker begins to shape itself, as the role of one who will bring an ascended energy eventually to the planet and begin to plant seeds he didn't expect. the time capsule is beginning to release things within your own DNA and last time we spoke we had you are opening doors in the hallway of potentials in your DNA. I would like to tell you of the potentials of four more doors that Ido want to go because is not time, I want to tell you what to expect. I give you the definition of ascension when the doors are open the ones we speak about now, you have a human walking around much different than the ones in front of me.
Everything I'm about to tell you is doable, everything I'm about to share with
you is what has happened on the other planets when they got to this stage, there is a sameness that the creation of evolution is able to supply you with, that lets us know what the energies and the potentials will be as your next step. I give it a history of Pleiadians, for they went through what you went through, and although the planet was different and all their history was different. I like to tell you that their DNA wasn't that much different.
And what we told you before, is that when you find life on other places than your own earth, you're going to find the structure of DNA, and you will know because of what you look at, that there is a system of evolution that is the same for the galaxy, that what you have considered to be chance on the planet isn't, it response to a greater whole the creative energy, coming to you throughout the galaxy has a pattern, it tends to create the same thing's for the same reason, that a lot of people going to be very disappointed in this. they want to visit another planet and find life with three forearms and 14 thighs instead you can find symmetry, instead of in a bind double helix, instead you're going to find some of the same things can find right here for the same reasons, and so it takes the mystique out of the question what is on other planets, other planets, with intelligent beings mostly humanoid in it, there are ones, some, were not? They also have no divinity in their DNA and the process of their development has no seeding the purpose and the different and the harmless, and so i show you the next step, very carefully, what to expect and I give you the description of enlightened consciousness for doors, and the first one you'll think is easy but it isn't. I'm going to call it the never alone door, when this doors opened still be a whole segment of humanity starts to understand that they are multiple beings of light. for the never alone door, when open puts upon you the mantle of truths that even when you look in the mirror and you see one human being there really are multiples of you, that you are partly on the other side of the veil you have to be. you do understand that you not otherwise the peace of god and you would vanish in its power. part of you must be on the other side of the veil your soul core shares with you in the corporeal way a piece of heaven at the same time. You have to be entire soul cannot live in a corporeal human being that's only using 30% of its DNA. you will start to understand that you on the other side of the veil never alone, you will start to look at the view in the mirror and understand the family around you is here, the mystery of death will not be a mystery, for you will feel those who you loved, and they had passed. and for the seniors in here the parents no matter what their attitude toward you at the time of their passing, they know who you are now. and you see them. you have the conundrum of the Akash, the conundrum of linearity, how can your parents be seen and felt when they are actually back on earth as other souls, figure that out, it's not that hard is it that hard when you only realize there's only one soul involved in many places. there and the other side of the veil to and may have reincarnated here but they're there and you'll see them, never alone door, and you'll walk for you different because of them, with the firm and seed acknowledge that your reality is different than it used to be, and that no matter what happens to you, still know you're not alone.
The most difficult thing for human being is to get out of linearity, to understand that they exist in several places at the same time, that is completely and totally normal in a multidimensional state, And that the state that you grown up in which is three or 4D depending upon how you see it, is limited, but it represents all that was and all that you been taught.
The next-door is hard to explain, when you open it, it's something we'll call completion of purpose. What completion of purpose means is that no matter what is happening in your life is well with your soul. if you're racing for the wall that you know is going to kill you it is well with your soul. that you see life itself as an extension of your Akash and you're fine with it. that you have a full understanding of the complexity of having lived before and living again - a completeness of purpose that has no, absolutely no connection with how long you live.
There are those who walk around the earth right now who have ascension status, you might even call them monks. And their faces shine like the sun there's always a number of them.
And they don't fit in with society, so you'll find them here, but they're around, some of them have sequestered themselves with others, some of them wear robes, and belief systems that you will save are not in but you are, when you sit next to them you will see the master energy in them. is always number of on the planet they have to be, it is all part of the accounting system of energy, and if you ask them about their lives and what they are feeling they will look at you with his blank stare and they'll say which lifetime you mean, and they will be accurate because they are looking at their lives as multiple, and they are not measuring the years of their life on the planet or their heartbeats, they are seeing themselves as a soul that is forever. completeness of purpose. this is a ascended fort and its adorn your DNA had yet to be open, when these doors are opened, dear ones, they opened slowly.
they don't fly open and you suddenly change, you grow into them you learn into them, that may take you a decade to even know they exist much less open the door, but you will open the door. every graduate planet goes through this, the old energy represented by the seniors on earth, who you know will never change, and you're right, will eventually die out because they will, and so there is an old garden, entire wave of them that you simply have to wait for to leave. and it will. and you have to know that when they come back, dear ones, they're going to be born into an energy with the DNA shaped differently and they will not have the old energy they were carried back in here, just so you know, and that is the promise of the future, that human nature itself is morphing and will be different and we told you this before: this is not new the doors are the future contains hope because of the cycle of life the old energy captured by old consciousness, worshiped by old consciousness invested with old consciousness will of eventually die. and when it is reborn with the same soul groups there will be a breath of fresh air as they come in and learn what you know, old soul.
It is the old soul's job to know these things in the water the seeds that've always been in your DNA.
The third door is one of the most difficult. how to explain this, it is where the human being can take three steps backward for everything they have ever been taught and look at all things around them without any bias at all and see clearly what is real and what is not real, what is accurate what is not accurate, what kind of a human being do you know could step out of a belief system that was ingrained in them from birth, and decide those kinds of things? I'll tell you, it's a human who opens the door, to start to evaluate god what is Who is it? Is it isn't like I was told or not? is it bigger? Yes, much. is it different? - Much! is it singular? No, it is a piece of every-everything in the universe. the very term creative source used lightly by many is the description of the greatest source in the universe at the center of every galaxy but a few mostly in spiral galaxy is for they are the ones that support, mostly dual sun, allowing for the development of what you have here, which is the enhancement of the love of god. and you'd be able to see. it take three steps back and say is everything I've been told accurate. I'll tell you how hard that is for human being to do because you have to put aside everything you've ever been taught by your friends, by your parents by those around you, with the organizations around you, realize that that is the definition
of an ascended mind who could put aside the engrams of memory, the grooves that have been created in your brain for what you think is real and not real to create a zero point a no zone where your logic can come forward and look at everything as it is and not you're taught it is, that is really a special door. And the reason it is so special is because it does not require a human being to die and come back before they see what's really there the ability to change almost be reborn if you want into a higher consciousness while remaining on the planet. you know why we give you this and where we tell you that door exists because you're about to have life extension, and we won't want to live another hundred years with what you believe your talk. you must have the ability to do what human beings are not known for unbiased view of all that is, so that you could really take a look at the hand it's always been stretched out of your higher self that comes to the door and you can start to list the attributes that you were never told where they are number one that's you, number two - its beautiful beyond belief, number three has nothing to do with victimization, number four is handed out because it wants you, number five it represents all that is knowledge, wisdom, I want to take your hand, and the final door and we close with this. We've covered before, but not in this way. And I call it "ancient remembrance", old souls, you are your own ancestors and in the beginning you knew more than you know now, in the beginning you even had DNA which functioned in a higher percentage than now,
Your's is gone through phases of time fractals, where you destroyed itself and he didn't do it to atomic bomb that you didn't do it for all the other things that your science fiction would say you did it in cooperation with Gaia, and you went to a low consciousness where nothing was happening and Gaia allowed the pandemic to wipe you out, did you know that? it's almost like you targeted in your own demise of the way you think and when you came back and did not work again, the same thing happened - plagues, how you know if you know how cooperative diet is in this process, this is the fifth time around, you knew more back then than you know now, only this time Gaia is looking at things differently, because now you have signal note to the center of the galaxy, to the center of the earth, to the crystalline grid, to the very essence of Gaia itself, you are restrained, and your intention is to build a planet, like it's never been before. there are those who hear my words and will argue with this, and they will say that "human nature is human nature" and "just wait, just wait - they say. - what will we do again? Just wait, - they say, - you're in a war again, to start over again, there is no hope!" And when you see that, I want you to know what it is - it comes from a consciousness you're just waiting to die, because that is the old way
And you can not to change their minds, because it's fear-based and it will etch itself, that not, old souls, leader.
They knew, and they know, it is what they've seen in the last couple of hundred years.
They've not gone through what you came through. they don't have the wisdom of the ages like you do, ancient remembrance. when you open that door, dear ones, you're going to begin to see the Akash and understanding, that you have the wisdom of all things, and slowly it will be given to you.
You will claim your own history, you will see that which is in you clearer you will relax and have no ego, for when you know all things is no reason to validate any of them, you just know them, you're quiet with them, you know that's the attribute of wisdom, quietness, why do you have to shout from the rooftops who you are, when at the core of your soul you already know?
And these are the things we wanted to tell you to look forward to this day. this is the reality we see, the doors to be opened yet, and it's going to be a while, but I want to show you, what is there. I want to tell you that it is hand-in-hand with some of your science, for the first time we will tell you, that down the line a university like this one will not have separate buildings for life science and physics. They have one building and don't call it consciousness. and you include all of them, you have to. Because eventually when you think, the static sciences are discovered to have consciousness, you're going to have to reevaluate everything, and that's going to happen. there are mammals right now on this planet who are laughing, because they know you're going to discover what they've got, and so we will left with them as they swim in the oceans, many of the most smiles in the face, and they say: "Wait till you find out what's inside us. and that's enough for now. listed as a human being who cares
enough about what's going to happen, to take any of these things seriously, to walk out of the room differently because of it, and know that this was the truth, and you could feel it because it is expected,
And so it is.